Looney NYT Is Woke on Steroids: Pepé Le Pew ‘Normalized Rape Culture'

March 5th, 2021 10:13 AM

A half-dozen timeworn titles by beloved children’s author Theodore Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, will no longer be offered by the author's estate for having purportedly racist content, a sad but predictable play in the age of Woke. But New York Times liberal columnist Charles Blow is one-upping the already overdone outrage, gunning for old cartoon characters like "Pepé Le Pew, who normalized…

Charles Blow and Don Lemon

NYT's Blow: Threat of ‘White Supremacy’ Calls for Renaming Schools

January 29th, 2021 7:50 PM

During the second hour of Thursday's CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon and his race-baiting buddy, The New York Times columnist, Charles Blow, fervently ripped on the United States for being a nation imbued with “white supremacy.” 

When asked about San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education’s recent (and near-unanimous) vote in favor of renaming over three…

Left’s Gender Theories Are Nonsense, But They’re Gaining Ground

December 3rd, 2020 3:07 PM

On Nov. 22, 2020, New York Times columnist Charles Blow unleashed one of the most bizarre tweets in recent memory. "Stop doing gender reveals," he stated. "They're not cute; they're violent. All we know before a child is born is their anatomy. They will reveal their gender. It may match your expectations of that anatomy, and it may not. If you love the child you will be patience, attentive and…

Ben Shapiro Column: The Woke Lose

November 5th, 2020 2:09 AM

On Tuesday night, the American people spoke. They spoke with millions upon millions of voices to produce the greatest presidential election voter turnout in over a century. And they sent a variety of messages, most of them quite positive. Voters rejected the prevailing narratives of a media determined to make the election a pure referendum on Donald Trump's character. 


Reporters Justify Violent Riots As Patriotic: Like ‘Boston Tea Party'

May 29th, 2020 5:30 PM
This afternoon on CNN Newsroom, sports journalist LZ Granderson seemed to justify the rioting, looting, and arsons happening in Minneapolis and all over the country Friday as patriotic. Speaking to host Brooke Baldwin, Granderson compared the violence to the Boston Tea Party and claimed that was a “riot” as well.  

Carlson: Liberal Media Want Division, People to ‘Hate One Another’

May 29th, 2020 2:25 AM
Between Wednesday and Thursday nights, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson was in rare form when discussing the riots in Minneapolis supposedly in appropriate response to the heinous, police-involved killing of African-American man George Floyd. Carlson didn’t mince words, noting that “news organizations like CNN” want Americans to “hate one another” and wondering if liberals would still support…

NY Times: Happy Thanksgiving, Trumpian Bigots and Other Ignorant Folks

November 30th, 2019 1:50 PM
The New York Times lined up its usual attacks against the supposedly dark hidden history of the Thanksgiving holiday, serving up heaping helpings of Western liberal guilt. But with the woke left busy repurposing Thanksgiving as a day of Western guilt and genocide against Native Americans, Times columnist Paul Krugman counterintuitively, perhaps insincerely, portrayed the Thanksgiving holiday as…

NY Times: ‘Conservatism Has a Violence Problem,’ Same Goal as Killers

August 5th, 2019 5:27 PM
Two New York Times writers tried to use the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton to condemn not just Donald Trump and his rhetoric, but the policies of the Republican Party in general. The online headline deck to Charles Blow’s Monday column said it all: “Terror and Policy: 2 Sides of White Nationalism: The white supremacist terrorists and the white supremacist policymakers share the same mission…

CNN's Blow: Wrong to Ask If Gun Control Would Have Stopped Shootings

June 11th, 2019 8:47 AM
On Friday's Real Time show on HBO, liberal CNN contributor and New York Times columist Charles Blow complained that journalists should not ask Democrats if their gun control plans would actually have prevented a particular mass shooting, even though they themselves regularly start off by implying that there would be such an effect in the aftermath of high-profile shootings.

NYT's Blow Contrasts Trump Base With 'The Rest of Us Who Are Sane'

June 8th, 2019 9:51 PM

Not surprisingly, Bill Maher and his panel had few kind words to say about President Trump and his base on Friday’s edition of Real Time. While Maher joked about President Trump executing his negotiating team, New York Times columnist Charles Blow contrasted the President’s base with “the rest of us who are sane.”

NY Times Not Enjoying Mueller Time: ‘Pouncing’ GOP, Blaming Barr

March 26th, 2019 11:21 AM
With the Mueller report out and the top-line conclusions (no “collusion,” no obstruction of justice) thoroughly chewed over, the New York Times is clearly disappointed. A “live update” featured these petulant subheads, blaming the Republicans for taking political advantage of Trump’s vindication: “Trump immediately attacks ‘the other side.’ "“Minutes after the details are released, Republicans…

Surprise: NYT's Blow Admits Smollett Could Be an ‘Insane’ ‘Psychopath’

February 18th, 2019 2:57 PM
CNN’s New Day provided more tone deafness Monday morning on the part of the establishment media in reaction to reports that actor Jussie Smollett orchestrated and staged an early-morning attack against him last month in Chicago. But there were some surprising takes, most notably New York Times columnist Charles Blow admitting that, if reports are true, that makes Smollett an “insane” “psychopath…

NYT's Blow Compares Trump to David Duke

January 23rd, 2019 4:38 PM
During Monday’s edition of Anderson Cooper 360, the eponymous host and his panel engaged in a lengthy discussion about whether or not President Trump was a racist. One of the panelists, Charles Blow of The New York Times, used his platform to compare President Trump to white supremacist David Duke, arguing that his unsuccessful bid to become Governor of Louisiana in 1991 served as a “blue print…

CNN’s Don Lemon: I’m Not Condescending to Kanye, I’m Telling the Truth

October 12th, 2018 4:13 PM
The fallout from Thursday’s meeting of Kanye West and President Trump spilled over into that evening’s edition of CNN Tonight, when host Don Lemon asserted that he was not being condescending toward the rapper even while making disparaging remarks about West’s mental health. Instead, the CNN anchor claimed that he was “just telling the truth.”