Alexander Cockburn

RIP Alexander Cockburn, Leftist Global Warming 'Heretic
July 21st, 2012 11:51 AM
It has been announced that Alexander Cockburn, a columnist for The Nation and co-editor of CounterPunch, died yesterday. Although Cockburn reflected a leftist viewpoint (mandatory if you write for The Nation) he displayed a refreshing iconoclasm on one topic sacred to the left: global warming. Cockburn didn't merely lightly criticize the global warming dogma worshipped by the left, he…
Lib Journalist: 'I Am an Intellectual Blasphemer' for Questioning Glob
January 25th, 2008 11:29 AM
Despite their rants and raves about being America being scared and lied into Iraq, the media elites do more than their share of fearmongering. On no issue is this more apparent than the subject of the environment where "savvy" and "impartial" journalists act like modern-day inquisitors to defame anyone who dares question the prevailing leftish orthodoxy on the earth's temperature.Not everyone…
The Nation Slams Global Warming Alarmists Again: ‘Dissidents Against
June 10th, 2007 11:02 PM
Alexander Cockburn is certainly on a mission, albeit one that is shocking the folks at The Nation are tolerating. After all, in his current article posted at both The Nation and Counterpunch, Cockburn indirectly castigated his own readers as he accused the left of having “been swept along, entranced by the allure of weather as revolutionary agent, naïvely conceiving of global warming as a crisis…