Al Sharpton

MSNBC's Hayes Frets 'McCarthyism' of FNC's Hannity, Shocked by NYT's M
July 31st, 2013 4:37 PM
On Tuesday's All In show, MSNBC's Chris Hayes recalled that "my mouth opened" and declared that "I could not believe this was in the paper," as he recounted that liberal New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd raised questions about whether former Rep. Anthony Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, has been tolerant of her husband's behavior because of her Muslim upbringing.
Hayes recalled his bafflement…

Bill O'Reilly Praises CNN's Don Lemon as Courageous, Says Sharpton's
July 31st, 2013 12:13 PM
Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly began his Monday evening edition of The O'Reilly Factor by pointing out what anchors on two of his cable network rivals said about his statement that people in “the grievance industry” don't discuss complicated racial problems.
O'Reilly then went on to contrast the actions of Don Lemon -- an anchor on CNN-- who the Fox News host called “honest” and courageous…

Hannity Demands Apology for Sharpton Crony's 'Paid Assassins' Smear
July 30th, 2013 6:45 PM
It's official -- Al Sharpton is beyond shame.
For most sentient adults this has been obvious for decades and we can't look at "Reverend Al" without seeing an inveterate race-baiting shakedown artist. (Audio after the jump)

MSNBC's Sharpton: GOP 'On a Rampage,' 'Worst Attack' Since 'Jim Crow E
July 30th, 2013 6:35 PM
On Monday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC host Al Sharpton hyped liberal attacks on changes to voting laws as he declared that "Republicans have gone on a rampage," and singled out a recently passed law in North Carolina as the "worst attack on voting rights since the Jim Crow era."
Referring to the recent Supreme Court ruling against part of the Voting Rights Act, Sharpton complained:

MSNBC's Taylor: 'Right-Wing' Hosts 'Pimping' for 'Personal Gain
July 29th, 2013 5:47 PM
On Friday's PoliticsNation, as host Al Sharpton attacked "right-wingers" like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh for "push[ing] the most negative stereotypes of the African-American community for their own gain," and again repeated a 2007 smear against O'Reilly, MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor accused conservative hosts of "pimping" and "pandering" for "personal gain."
After a clip…

CNN's Don Lemon: Bill O'Reilly 'Right About' Problems in Black Communi
July 27th, 2013 7:20 PM
Fox News's Bill O'Reilly has taken a lot of heat from the liberal media for comments he made this week about problems in the African-American community.
On CNN Saturday, O'Reilly received support from an unlikely source when Don Lemon actually said of the Fox News host's comments, "He is right...But in my estimation, he doesn't go far enough" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC Resurrects Smear on FNC's O'Reilly, 'Racial Stereotyping' to 'Di
July 26th, 2013 6:40 PM
On Thursday's PoliticsNation show, MSNBC's Al Sharpton used FNC host Bill O'Reilly's comments against certain segments of black culture to resurrect a 2007 smear against O'Reilly which mischaracterized him as being shocked to see patrons at a predominantly black restaurant in Harlem behaving in a civilized manner when the FNC host in reality was criticizing the media for portraying African-…
Samuel L. Jackson: My Character in the RoboCop Remake Could be Called
July 24th, 2013 11:01 AM
During a Comic-Con panel to promote the remake of the 1987 movie "RoboCop" actor Samuel L. Jackson revealed he plays a talk show host character that is inspired by two ideological opposites - Al Sharpton and Rush Limbaugh.

MSNBC Is the 'Rent a Negro' Network as Cornel West Sees It
July 22nd, 2013 7:20 PM
What a surprise -- one of President Obama's biggest critics from way over on the left is also no big fan of his administration's main apologists in media, MSNBC.
Author, activist and Princeton professor Cornel West let loose with some pointed criticism of the cable network on his weekend radio show with Tavis Smiley. (Audio after the jump).

MSNBC's Harris-Perry Frets Obama 'Carrying the Burden of Race,' Sees P
July 22nd, 2013 6:00 PM
As MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry made multiple appearances on Friday's MSNBC evening shows to discuss President Obama's surprise statement on the George Zimmerman acquittal, the MSNBC host declared that, after Obama became President, "every move that he made became where he ended up carrying the burden of race," during her appearance on All in with Chris Hayes.
A couple of hours earlier, as she…

Beyonce and Jay-Z Join Sharpton and Trayvon Martin's Mother at Protest
July 20th, 2013 3:36 PM
Kicking off a day of nationwide protests of the George Zimmerman verdict, hip-hop stars Beyonce and Jay-Z joined Al Sharpton and Trayvon Martin's mother at a rally in Harlem Saturday.
The New York Post reported:
NB's Bozell: Sharpton Is a Racist with No Credibility to Pass Judgment
July 19th, 2013 11:31 AM
MSNBC's Al Sharpton become a "millionaire celebrity" by "stirring the flames of racial discord," but the "Lean Forward" network won't ever admit that to its viewers, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity on the July 18 edition of his eponymous program. "They won't talk about Al Sharpton's record. They won't talk about Crown Heights and the racial discord that…
Coulter Column: To Avoid Looking Like a Criminal, Don't Commit a Crime
July 17th, 2013 7:29 PM
Black liberals keep bemoaning the danger to their own teenage sons after the "not guilty" verdict in George Zimmerman's murder trial. To avoid what happened to Trayvon Martin, their boys need only follow this advice: Don't walk up to a stranger and punch him, ground-and-pound him, MMA-style, and repeatedly smash his head against the pavement.
The Justice-for-Trayvon crowd keeps pretending…

MSNBC's Reid Charges Pro-Gun Groups 'Almost Creating a Wild West Atmos
July 17th, 2013 6:06 PM
On the Tuesday, July 16, PoliticsNation, MSNBC contributor Joy Reid complained that pro-gun groups like the ALEC and the NRA are "almost creating a Wild West atmosphere" to protect gun owners.
After she seemed to suggest a profit motive of wanting to "sell a lot more guns," Reid lamented that these conservative groups are trying to "roll back anything that would inhibit a rational, reasonable…