Al Sharpton Teaches Obamabots How To Battle 'Wacky' Right-Wingers With

July 5th, 2014 6:38 AM
On Thursday night’s Politics Nation, MSNBC host Al Sharpton wrapped up his show from New Orleans by insisting the Fourth of July is a great day to unload your talking points in defense of Barack Obama. Just like Thanksgiving. And Christmas. And perhaps at weddings and funerals. “It's a day to celebrate our great are country, to rest, relax and maybe have a barbecue. But you know what that…

Chris Matthews Breaks Ranks, Criticizes Network’s Claim That Sergean

June 5th, 2014 12:39 PM
When it comes to being a good liberal soldier, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews doesn’t seem to have gotten the network’s message that the GOP is "swiftboating" Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. Over the past week, MSNBC hosts have maintained that Bergdahl had been swiftboated on five different broadcasts and it seems as though Matthews is sick of the comparison.  Speaking with Chuck Todd, NBC’s Chief White…

MSNBC's Sharpton Sees GOP 'War Against Healthy Children

May 30th, 2014 6:42 AM
On Thursday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton led his show bellowing about a "war" against First Lady Michelle Obama's school lunch nutrition efforts as he mocked Republicans for wanting to allow financially struggling school districts to delay implementing nutrition standards. With the words "GOP's War Against Healthy Children" on screen in the background, Sharpton began:

MSNBC's Al Sharpton Denies, Then Defends His Use of Racial Slurs

May 24th, 2014 7:34 PM
Along with hosting MSNBC's weekday PoliticsNation program, Al Sharpton plays many roles, ranging from community activist to harsh critic of his opponents, whom he regularly refers to in such emotion-charged terms as "white interlopers" and "Greek homos." However, when Jason Mattera -- publisher of the Daily Surge website -- confronted Sharpton earlier this month and asked if he “should be…

Al Sharpton: I Try to Chase GOP ‘Roach Legislation’ on My MSNBC Sh

May 22nd, 2014 2:57 PM
MSNBC’s Al Sharpton got nasty on Wednesday’s episode of his program PoliticsNation, comparing Republican-backed legislation to common household pests. The reverend’s remark came at the end of a conversation with Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.) on the House GOP’s proposed agriculture budget. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] Sharpton and Fattah took particular issue with the budget’s proposal that only…

Al Sharpton Mocks Rush Limbaugh for Children's Book Award

May 16th, 2014 4:19 PM
The folks at PoliticsNation Thursday night were stunned to learn that Rush Limbaugh is now an award-winning author. Limbaugh received the Children’s Choice Award for Author of the Year on Wednesday for “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims.” Sharpton jokingly asked his guests Zerlina Maxwell and Abby Huntsman if this could possibly “be voter fraud from some kids on the right.” Although it’s…

Sharpton Mocks ‘Death’ of GOP ObamaCare Talking Point, Convenientl

May 8th, 2014 5:58 PM
On Wednesday’s PoliticsNation, host Al Sharpton trotted out a pair of red-framed glasses, a podium, and the image of a chapel’s interior on the green screen behind him. The reverend was pretending to preside over a funeral for what he called “another bogus GOP talking point on the Affordable Care Act.” As somber organ music played in the background, Sharpton announced, somewhat inarticulately, “…

Washington Free Beacon Makes Montage of Ed Schultz's Absurd Poll Quest

May 8th, 2014 10:50 AM
Our friends at the Washington Free Beacon has made a little montage of MSNBC host Ed Schultz's bat-guano crazy viewer poll questions. Although none of them asked if Republicans want to "make money off your dead corpse," they came close. To read David Rutz's witty, snark-laden post, click here. You can watch the video by clicking play on the embed that follows the page break. As a bonus we…

MSNBC's Sharpton: GOP 'Demonizes the Working Class

April 30th, 2014 8:23 PM
On the Wednesday, April 30, PoliticsNation, Al Sharpton charged that the Republican Party "demonizes the working class" and that GOPers "attack the working poor" as the MSNBC host trashed Republicans for opposing a minimum wage increase. [See video below.] 

NewsBusted: If Only Sharpton, Reid, and Biden Owned NBA Teams

April 29th, 2014 6:50 PM
"L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling is under fire for making racist comments in the past. And NOT under fire for racist comments they’ve made in the past? Al Sharpton, Joe Biden, and Harry Reid." John Boehner, Michelle Obama, and... a Japanese robot (?!) also made it into Jodi Miller's April 29 edition of NewsBusted. Watch the whole thing by pressing the play button on the embed below. Click…

Joe Klein Now Watches Bret Baier at Fox News Since CNN Has 'Gone in th

April 28th, 2014 11:05 PM
While a guest on the 92Y American Conversation program on Sunday, TIME magazine political analyst Joe Klein vented to host Jeff Greenfield of the Public Broadcasting System: “I miss being able to turn on a straight newscast” after returning home at 6 o'clock on weekdays. He added that the only place he can find such a program in that format and at that time is the Fox News series Special…

WashPost's Milbank Plays Up Michael Grimm Arrest As Hurting Other Repu

April 28th, 2014 8:26 PM
On the Monday, April 28, PoliticsNation on MSNBC, during a discussion of the arrest of New York Republican Rep. Michael Grimm, the Washington Post's Dana Milbank played up the possibility that this scandal and others involving GOP congressmen could hurt Republican candidates in other parts of the country. Milbank:

On MSNBC, Salon's Walsh Invokes Timothy McVeigh While Trashing FNC's H

April 26th, 2014 11:28 PM
On the Friday, April 25, PoliticsNation on MSNBC, during a discussion of FNC host Sean Hannity's reaction to racist comments by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, MSNBC host Al Sharpton went after Hannity's decision to reiterate some of his complaints about the Obama administration on his Hannity show after condemning Bundy's racism. Guest Joan Walsh of Salon magazine ended up comparing Hannity's anti…

MSNBC Panel Slams GOP on Global Warming, Predicts 'End of the Republic

April 23rd, 2014 11:12 PM
On the Wednesday, April 23, PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart asserted that Republican doubts about global warming would be "one more thing that is going to hasten the demise, the end of the Republican Party" as he reacted to a clip of several North Carolina Republican Senate candidates expressing doubts when asked if "climate change" is a "fact." And, as she…