Al Sharpton

Sharpton: Trump on the Side of King George III, Confederates
On Monday’s explosive episode of Morning Joe, the historically illiterate Reverend Al Sharpton alongside grumpy host Joe Scarborough set out to make one of the most bizarre and laughable arguments against Donald Trump to date: that Trump’s entire movement was to make him king of the Unites States, and that he and his followers were “on the side of King George or the Confederates.”…

Sharpton: 'Crime Boss' Trump Immune to Lawsuits Because GOP is Racist
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, race-baiting Reverend Al Sharpton came up with an excessively belligerent and hateful reason for why Democrat prosecutions of former President Donald Trump were not affecting his support among voters in the Republican primary.
Sharpton argued that the reason why all these indictments brought by Trump’s political enemies right before the election,…

MSNBC Labels GOP as ‘Callous’ for Calling Out ‘Abortion Tourism’
Monday’s Morning Joe opened with fill-in host Jonathan Lemire and his panel weighing in on the controversy surrounding Republican amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act. They argued that the military should pay for travel expenses for women in the military looking to travel out of state to circumvent state laws prohibiting abortion.
Lemire discussed clips shown…

Sharpton: Anti-Reparations Republicans Must Think Blacks Are Inferior
On Jonathan Capehart's Sunday Show on MSNBC, Al Sharpton suggests that Republicans opposed to affirmative action and reparations believe that blacks are "genetically inferior."

MSNBC Backs Teamsters Strike Against UPS Despite Industry-Leading Pay
In stark contrast to CNN the previous day, Friday’s Morning Joe on MSNBC sided with the Teamsters union as they threatened to go on strike against UPS. Omitting the fact that UPS workers already led the industry in compensation, MSNBC hosts Willie Geist, Jonathan Lemire, and Al Sharpton boasted about Teamsters president Sean O’Brien and let him lead the narrative on why they weren’t…

Scarborough: Biden Ditched Wallace To Impress 'Important' Al Sharpton
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough disses fellow MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace. Scarborough says that Pres. Biden walked off the set with Wallace before the segment was her was over in order to speak with someone "really important'--Al Sharpton.

Incendiary Sharpton Claims SCOTUS Is 'Sticking a Dagger in Our Backs'
MSNBC PoliticsNation host Al Sharpton reacted on the “Trump court” striking down affirmative action on Thursday with, even by his standards, a long list of absurdities. Sharpton would claim the move was akin to “sticking a dagger in our back,” claimed his opponents believe black people are genetically inferior, and equated the decision with the arrest of Rosa Parks.

Morning Joe: Strip Security Clearances From GOP Trump Docs Defenders!
On Morning Joe, Willie Geist and Joe Scarborough suggest that security clearances should be stripped from members of Congress who don't share the liberal media's view as to the seriousness of the charges against Donald Trump regarding his handling of classified documents.

MSNBC, Abrams Team Up To Spread Fake News On Poem-Banning 'Tyrants'
The latest bit of fake news to come out of Florida was that teenager Amanda Gorman’s 2020 Inauguration poem was banned from a school library when the reality was it was moved to the middle school section for “vocabulary” reasons. Not that MSNBC Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace cared. She teamed up with twice failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee and election denier…

Fake News Scarborough Accuses Florida Of Erasing Hank Aaron
MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough spread some fake news on Wednesday’s show during a discussion about a Florida teacher being under investigation for showing Strange World, a film that has a gay character. For, Scarborough, the story fits a pattern as he accused the state of “trying to create a past, a sanitized, homogenized past that never existed” by targeting books…

Scarborough Likens GOP On Guns To 'Slaveholders And Segregationists'
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough opened up his Monday night primetime special with a solemn, yet outrageous and profoundly unserious rant where he accused Republicans, “cowards,” “pathetic souls,” and “vacuous creatures” of being the modern equivalent of “slaveholders and segregationists.”

Fascism, Forbidden Fruit: Morning Joe Had It All On Trump Indictment
Discussing the Trump indictment on Friday, Morning Joe had it all: from Al Sharpton glorying over the ability of a black man to indict a former president, to Jon Meacham making an analogy to the Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Eden, to Joe Scarborough managing to work in a reference to "fascism."

Scarborough Calls DeSantis Anti-Semitic for Ripping Soros-Backed DA
Don’t criticize leftist billionaire George Soros’ agenda to overhaul the criminal justice system or you’re an anti-Semite! At least, that’s the ridiculous pejorative that MSNBC hack Joe Scarbough hurled at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R).