CNN Bemoans Venezuela in Travel Ban, Ignores History of Selling Visas

September 26th, 2017 5:42 PM
With the President’s new travel ban taking effect in October, the communist rulers of Venezuela spoke of on Monday by calling it “a form of psychological and political terrorism.” And in a article published that same day, reporter Catherine Shoichet sympathized with the regime and parroted their slams of the U.S. But what went unmentioned, was CNN’s previous reporting which documented how…

Newsweek Cheers Laughter, Awkward Silence Over Trump’s Socialism Slam

September 20th, 2017 5:18 PM
The liberal media went above and beyond to denigrate President Donald Trump’s Sept. 19, speech to the United Nations General Assembly. One Newsweek headline proclaimed, “Trump Was Laughed At By World Leaders For Dissing Socialism.”

AP Plays Up 'Misery' in Venezuela After Trump Imposes Sanctions

August 29th, 2017 4:16 PM
On Tuesday, Joshua Goodman of the Associated Press trumpeted that the economic "misery is likely to get even worse" in Venezuela due to new sanctions implemented by the Trump administration. Goodman acknowledged that the South American country is becoming "increasingly authoritarian," but didn't once describe the regime of President Nicolas Maduro as left-wing. He also cited an expert who…

Ben Shapiro: Remember How the Media Embraced Venezuela's Socialism?

August 2nd, 2017 3:41 PM
As socialist Venezuela implodes, the media has been strangely silent on the matter. But, the lack of coverage isn't so strange considering the media's love for Venezuela's former socialist dictator Hugo Chavez and his leftist ideology. As Ben Shapiro at The Daily Wire points out, the media swooned over Chavez.

MSNBC Runs Segment on Venezuelan Crisis, Refuses to Mention Socialism

July 17th, 2017 3:47 PM
On Monday morning, Hallie Jackson ran a segment on MSNBC Live devoted to investigating the ills of Venezuela amid growing tensions in the South American country. For the entirety of the segment, neither the host nor her guest even mentioned the socialism that has bound the once prosperous nation to starvation.

As Venezuela Implodes, NBC Avoids Naming the Cause: Socialism

May 7th, 2017 5:29 PM
On Thursday, an Investor's Business Daily editorial cited a long list of news outlets which have recently covered the calamitous events in Venezuela, but which, in IBD's words, "continue to obfuscate, if not totally ignore" the fact that the country's implosion can be laid at the feet of one simple cause: "Socialism." One particularly appalling example exemplifying the paper's complaint came…

Maddow: Venezuelans Are Rioting Over Donations to Trump's Inauguration

April 22nd, 2017 3:44 PM
As Nicholas Fondacaro at NewsBusters noted on Friday, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's obsession with the money raised for President Donald Trump's inauguration went into overdrive the previous evening. During the same show, Maddow combined that obsession with another one shared by most of the news media — the absolute necessity to avoid blaming Venezuela's dire economic circumstances on its Bolivarian…

CBS Blacks Out GM Factory Being Seized by Socialist Venezuela

April 20th, 2017 10:03 PM
As Venezuelan ruler Nicolas Maduro struggled against violent protests against him, the U.S. based company General Motors had its means of production seized by the socialist regime Thursday. “General Motors tonight saying it's been forced to suspend its operation in Venezuela after the government there confiscated its factory,” announced ABC Anchor David Muir during World News Tonight, “GM forced…

NY Times Blames ‘Populism,’ Not Socialism, for Venezuela Crisis

April 4th, 2017 12:07 PM
Even in the face of obvious failure, the liberal media deflect blame for Venezuela’s economic collapse away from socialism. On April 1, New York Times columnists Max Fisher and Amanda Taub blamed “populism” for Venezuela's issues, using the economic crisis there to explain the dangers of populism while essentially ignoring socialism’s impact. “Socialism” was mentioned just once in the entire…

Columnist: Trump an Enemy of the Media, Just Like Hugo Chavez

February 24th, 2017 5:19 PM
Almost fifteen years ago, South Park paid tribute to a trailblazing animated TV series by calling an episode “The Simpsons Already Did It.” According to Columbia Journalism Review columnist Joel Simon, regardless of the current hubbub over President Trump’s media-bashing, several “Latin American populist” heads of state, including the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, already did it, or…

'Quantico' Lashes out at Sexist Voters Who Elected Another Man

February 1st, 2017 2:27 AM
In a dramatic episode on Monday night, Quantico finally righted a colossal historical atrocity. They handed the White House to America’s first (unelected) female president. After watching terrorists murder his wife, President Todd resigns and hands the reigns to his far more qualified running mate, Vice President Claire Haas. But even before she can begin, Haas is besieged by doubters.

NYT’s Porter: ‘Authoritarian’ Trump Win May Put USA on Venezuela Path

January 4th, 2017 12:17 PM
Is the United States doomed to become the latest global victim of a dangerous strongman, a la Venezuela under Hugo Chavez? That's what economics reporter turned left-wing columnist Eduardo Porter thinks in Wednesday’s New York Times: “How Dysfunction Threatens U.S. Democracy.” What led to this dramatic conclusion? Trump’s election. Porter made a rare Times admission of the “authoritarian” nature…

NYT’s Cave Compares Castro to Odd Relative, Fears 'Income Inequality'

November 29th, 2016 11:57 AM
The New York Times has treated the passing of Cuba’s Fidel Castro less as the death of a dictator than the dying of a revolutionary dream. Former Miami bureau chief Damien Cave’s off-lead story from Havana on Monday interviewed three generations of Cubans, but only came within glancing distance of the truth of the tyrannical leader, treating him more as an eccentric relative than a man who has…

New Yorker Publishes a Tardy Report on Venezuela's Socialist Disaster

November 14th, 2016 10:52 PM
William Finnegan's lengthy report from Venezuela in the November 14 edition of the New Yorker begs two obvious questions: Where have you guys been? And why did you wait until the wee hours on November 7, the day before Election Day in the U.S., when almost everyone's attention was on the presidential and other contests, to post it online? The report's headline asks a question: "How did this…