
Doocy Boom: Peter Calls Out Biden WH’s Refusal to Back Domestic Energy
Prior to Monday’s explosive post-briefing kerfuffle (which NewsBusters was able to obtain from a source), the regularly scheduled Psaki Show featured the return of Doocy Time as the Fox News correspondent battled the press secretary over who or what’s to blame for high gas prices and why there’s been, at best, an apprehension to increased domestic oil and gas production as Russia’s war on…
Lessons from Venezuela
Democrats say President Joe Biden won "a strong mandate." His government can do all sorts of good things! I don't believe he has a mandate, but thanks to the selfishness of former President Donald Trump, Democrats control Congress, and that may give them power to shove their worst ideas down our throats. Those include: No. 1: Hate speech laws, No. 2: Expanding the Supreme Court, No. 3: Gun…
Five Myths About Socialism, Part Two
Last week, I reported on two myths about socialism. My new video covers three more. Myth No. 3: Socialism works if it's "democratic." As the Democratic Socialists of America put it, "Society should be run democratically -- to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few." Sounds nice. If socialists are elected, then we'll have a more just society. But Venezuela's socialists were elected.…
Five Myths About Socialism, Part One
People hate America's big disparities in wealth. It's a reason why, among young people, socialism is as popular as capitalism. The Democratic Socialists of America want a country based on "freedom, equality and solidarity." That sure sounds good. But does socialism bring that? My new video debunks several myths about socialism. One reason for socialism's continued appeal is linguist Noam…

Bitter Nets: GOP ‘Disinformation’ ‘Scared’ FL Latinos Away from Dems
In the early hours of Tuesday’s election night specials on the broadcast networks, multiple liberal journalists were beset by the fact that President Trump was doing far better than expected in Florida and South Florida, due in large part of what they called “disinformation” that successfully “scared” Latinos with fears of Democrats implementing “socialism.”

SICK MSNBC Argues With Venezuelan-Americans That Trump = Chavez
According to MSNBC's Ellison Barber, the Trump campaign's appeal to Venezuelan-American voters in Florida warning of socialism is working, which naturally led her to interview two Trump supporters for Wednesday's MSNBC Live and argue that Trump is the one who is more like former socialist dictator Hugo Chavez.

1,563-Word NYT Venezuela Oil Crash Essay Didn’t Mention Socialism Once
Leave it to The New York Times (The Times) to publish a 1,000-plus-word story on the failed state of Venezuela’s collapsing oil sector without saying anything about socialism.

Socialism’s Past

Jorge Ramos: How Has Support For Cuba's Policy Affected Bernie?

Univision Anchor Dismisses Anti-Sanders Hispanics as 'Manipulated'

Chris Matthews GOES OFF About Evils of Bernie’s Beloved Socialism
Young People Ignorant of History

Jack Ryan Season Two: 'Social Justice' Candidate for Venezuela