
NBC Frets Trump’s ‘Unifying Message’ Became ‘Grievances’, ‘Insults’

July 19th, 2024 3:49 PM

Though not as bombastic as ABC’s Good Morning America, NBC’s Today still made their point Friday about how they viewed President Trump’s Thursday speech at the Republican National Convention, crediting him for his vivid retelling of Saturday’s assassination attempt and the tribute to the late Corey Comperatore, then knocking him for “riffing” and “repeating...grievances,…

God’s Hand on Donald J. Trump

July 19th, 2024 3:28 PM

An inch. One inch, and President Donald J. Trump would be dead. One slight turn of the head. One slight turn of the head saved Donald J. Trump’s life. The fact that Donald J. Trump is alive today is a miracle. There is no other way to see it. His assassin had a clear line of sight. He was 135 meters from Trump. He got off multiple rounds.


Daily Show Mocks Idea God Saved Trump, Laments GOP Still Likes Guns

July 19th, 2024 3:00 PM

Comedy Central’s The Daily Show took the air early Friday morning for a live reaction show to day four of the Republican National Convention. Host Jordan Klepper was not happy that Republicans are simultaneously claiming that God spared Donald Trump’s life on Saturday while continuing to reject gun control.

Are Republicans Ready for Biden’s Counterattack?

July 19th, 2024 12:00 PM

Donald Trump has a lot of things to celebrate this week, but a foregone conclusion in November isn’t one of them. Joe Biden is down in the polls and losing the unwinnable war against time’s toll. But he’s nothing if not tenacious, and the president has a trick ready to turn Trump’s latest triumph — over an assassin’s bullet — into a political defeat. In his Oval Office remarks Sunday, Biden…


Worst of the Night! Wallace: GOP Is ‘Codependent on Disinformation’

July 19th, 2024 12:00 PM

It’s a challenging task but we here at NewsBusters are going to try to sift through all the crazy, angry and ridiculous observations made by leftist journalists every night of the Republican National Convention coverage and pick one for Worst of the Night.

Donald Trump Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning JOe 7-19-24

Morning Joe Warning To MSM: Do NOT Praise Trump's New Tone!

July 19th, 2024 8:11 AM

On Morning Joe, MSNBC's Jonathan Lemire warns the MSM not to report Donald Trump's softer new tone. Says Lemire: "I do think we need a moratorium here in the media about Donald Trump's -- praising Donald Trump's new tone. That doesn't ever happen on this show, mind you."


Nicolle Wallace: Republicans ‘Totally Codependent on Disinformation’

July 18th, 2024 10:55 PM

MSNBC was still pretending their anchors were at the Republican National Convention during Thursday’s Night Four festivities, when liberal wine mom and host of Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace went off on how the Republican Party she left was “totally codependent on disinformation.” She made that accusation while at least two network hosts were peddling disinformation,…


PBS, David Frum Condemn Trump for Using Shooting 'In an Improper Way'

July 18th, 2024 9:18 PM

PBS’s Christiane Amanpour invited Never Trumper David Frum of The Atlantic to Wednesday's episode of Amanpour and Company, where he delivered his usual rigmarole of anti-Republican nonsense. This time, he downplayed the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, claiming he was using it “in an improper way.”


Whoopi Attacks Trump’s Grandkids: ‘They’re Trying to Humanize Him!’

July 18th, 2024 7:42 PM

Not even a week had gone by since former President Trump was shot in the head in a failed assassination attempt and The View’s Whoopi Goldberg was already decrying efforts to “humanize” the man who’s name she refuses to say without spitting on the ground. During Thursday’s episode, Goldberg lashed out at Trump’s grandchildren, who were attending the Republican National Convention with…

What We Must Learn From Trump Shooting

July 18th, 2024 6:42 PM

We now have, as we would expect, a tsunami of commentary regarding the horrible assassination attempt on Donald Trump. It is not trivial to observe that at least the good news is that just about everyone agrees what happened is very bad and not an encouraging sign about the state of our nation. After that point of agreement, we have many different and diverging opinions about who or what is to…

What Trump Should Say Thursday Night

July 18th, 2024 4:22 PM

When Donald Trump takes the stage Thursday night and accepts for the third time the Republican Party’s nomination for president, he faces an opportunity and a temptation. The temptation is to launch a full-bore attack on Democrats, President Biden, the left and the media. The opportunity is to use the sympathy he has garnered since last Saturday’s assassination attempt to pursue a loftier goal…


Anderson Slimes GOP As 'Wu Klux Klan' And "Fascists'

July 18th, 2024 12:40 PM

During the Wednesday taping of ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Anthony Anderson showed why he was selected to guest host during the week of the Republican National Convention as he compared the GOP to the Ku Klux Klan while labeling the party “fascists.”


Charlamagne to Colbert: Trump's Rhetoric Is 'Not Even Safe For Him'

July 18th, 2024 9:56 AM

CBS’s Stephen Colbert welcomed radio host Charlamagne Tha God to a live edition of The Late Show on night three of the Republican National Convention to irresponsibly suggest that if President Biden, or some other Democrat, wins in November, the Supreme Court will nullify it. He also suggested that Donald Trump’s rhetoric led to his being shot on Saturday, while also attacking the…


Van Jones: 'A Bullet Couldn't Stop Trump, a Virus Just Stopped Biden'

July 17th, 2024 9:39 PM

The question which many Democrats have hoped would be swept under the rug following the assassination attempt of Donald Trump, has emerged. Are we sure we want Biden? Following a positive COVID test and an announcement canceling part of his campaign tour, Joe Biden was back in the spotlight, and Van Jones, Political Analyst for CNN, finally summed up the plight of the Democratic party.