Daily Show Mocks Idea God Saved Trump, Laments GOP Still Likes Guns

July 19th, 2024 3:00 PM

Comedy Central’s The Daily Show took the air early Friday morning for a live reaction show to day four of the Republican National Convention. Host Jordan Klepper was not happy that Republicans are simultaneously claiming that God spared Donald Trump’s life on Saturday while continuing to reject gun control.

Introducing a montage of conservative media personalities, Republican politicians, and Trump campaign officials, Klepper declared, “This one seemed to have a higher purpose.”



After the montage, Klepper returned to quip, “If God did save Trump from that bullet, he kind of procrastinated till the last second, didn't He? He could have stopped the gunman at any point during the day, but instead, he waited until the bullet was in the air and went, ‘Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! That was close. I got to stop looking at my phone all the time.”

Later, Klepper played a clip of vice presidential nominee JD Vance’s acceptance speech, where he recalled his family discovering 19 loaded handguns in his grandmother’s house after she died. A displeased Klepper reacted, “Yeah, that's the American spirit! Unhinged paranoia! You know what, I love how gun nuts in this country are always like, ‘We're responsible gun owners. Anyway, here is a Glock I taped under my baby's crib.’"

He further mourned that the attempt on Trump’s life hasn’t changed Republicans’ stance on gun control, “Let me just remind everyone that five days ago, their nominee was almost taken out by an assault rifle and I thought that might lead to a moment of introspection. But you guys are like, ‘You know what's hilarious? How guns are everywhere!’"

Liberals had a similar reaction after the GOP Congressional baseball shooting, but if Republicans still oppose gun control, maybe they should consider whether such oppositions are genuine and not because the big, bad NRA is pulling their strings. 

Here is a transcript for the July 19 show:

Comedy Central The Daily Show


1:35 AM ET

JORDAN KLEPPER:  This one seemed to have a higher purpose.

SEAN HANNITY: This convention is happening, frankly, by the grace of God.

ANNA PAULINA LUNA: It is a divine intervention by God that President Trump is not dead right now.

CORY MILLS: This is divine intervention.

CAROLINE SUNSHINE: The bullet pierced President Trump at 6:11 PM. Ephesians 6:11 tells us "put on the full armor of God, take your stand against the Devil and his schemes."

ROGER MARSHALL: This was Providence.

NARSGA BLACKBURN: God’s divine providence.

ROB SCHMITT: A millisecond before he fired the shot, a little tilt.

RIC GRENELL: A God-given tilt. A God-given tilt

TIM SCOTT: If you didn't believe in miracles before Saturday, you better be believing right now.

BEN CARSON: That God lowered his shield of protection.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE: God has put an armor of protection over Donald Trump.

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: God is not finished with him yet.

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE: I believe we all witnessed a miracle, literally. From, you know, before it happened, the flag above got blown in the wind and it got tied into literally what looked like an angel.

KLEPPER: Divine origami? That is what we are going with? I mean, you see an angel. I see the G-string from the cover of that Black Crows album. You see what you want to see, but I don't mean to nitpick God, but if God did save Trump from that bullet, he kind of procrastinated till the last second, didn't He? He could have stopped the gunman at any point during the day, but instead, he waited until the bullet was in the air and went, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! That was close. I got to stop looking at my phone all the time.”

KLEPPER: Yeah, that's the American spirit! Unhinged paranoia! You know what, I love how gun nuts in this country are always like, "We're responsible gun owners. Anyway, here is a Glock I taped under my baby's crib." 

Let me just remind everyone that five days ago, their nominee was almost taken out by an assault rifle and I thought that might lead to a moment of introspection. But you guys are like, "You know what's hilarious? How guns are everywhere!"