NBC: 'Puritanical' Americans Must Become 'Anesthetized' to Sex Scandal

June 9th, 2011 5:26 PM
Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today, advertising executive Donny Deutsch and psychotherapist Robi Ludwig both agreed that the American people should not stop being "shocked" by political sex scandals. Deutsch declared: "...we have to stop being shocked and amazed....when men who are conquerors by nature also chase women....we as a society have got to become a little more anesthetized to this."…

NYT's Seelye Again Flubs John Edwards's Dem ID; Zeleny Calls Indictmen

June 9th, 2011 2:24 PM
Another day, another New York Times story by Katharine Seelye story on liberal Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards that completely leaves out the words "liberal" and "Democrat" -- an admiring profile of Edwards’s loyal daughter, "For Edwards’s Adult Daughter, A Recurring Role: Family Glue," which led Thursday's National section. Seelye’s initial online story on Edwards’s…

Bill Clinton Syndrome

June 9th, 2011 12:43 PM
They call it BCS, Bill Clinton syndrome, and it has broken out anew in New York and here in Washington, where it was first discovered. As elaborated upon in scholarly detail in the now famous "Starr Report: The Official Report of the Independent Counsel's Investigation of the President," BCS strikes powerful figures, usually male, who experience lewd compulsions of an overpowering nature,…

NBC Touts Bill Clinton's Unhappiness with Embarrassment of Weiner Sex

June 9th, 2011 12:41 PM
During a report on growing calls for Anthony Weiner to resign from Congress on Thursday's NBC Today, Politico's Maggie Haberman noted how former President Bill Clinton was particularly troubled by the sex scandal: "Bill Clinton is very unhappy with Anthony Weiner right now. The Clintons are not thrilled with this." Congressional correspondent Luke Russert had described how "Among those…

Howard Kurtz on Weiner: I've Never Seen Media Spin This Out of Control

June 9th, 2011 10:03 AM
CNN's Howard Kurtz made a statement to his colleague Eliot Spitzer Wednesday that folks who remember the media firestorm surrounding former Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla.) will find hard to believe. Appearing on "In the Arena," the media analyst complained about the amount of coverage recent sex scandals involving Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), John Edwards, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Dominque…

NPR: 'Hard for Democrats' to Call for Resignation of 'Bulldog' Weiner

June 8th, 2011 6:43 PM
NPR's Renee Montagne touted the Rep. Anthony Weiner sex scandal as a "dilemma" for Democrats on Wednesday's Morning Edition. Correspondent Andrea Seabrook also underlined how it was apparently "hard for Democrats to call for his resignation" because the New York politician is a "bulldog" for their issues. Montagne used her label during an introduction for Seabrook's report, which put the…

NBC's Vieira: Why Should Anthony Weiner Resign

June 8th, 2011 3:56 PM
Talking to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Wednesday's NBC Today, outgoing co-host Meredith Vieira questioned calls for disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner to resign: "Nancy Pelosi has formally asked the Ethics Committee to look into this. So why not just let them do their job and then let the chips fall where they may?" Priebus replied: "I don't think we need to…

Time, Newsweek Offered Cover Stories, 15 Pages to Mark Foley in

June 8th, 2011 12:13 PM
Brent Bozell reminded readers of his column that the networks piled on 152 stories about Rep. Mark Foley in the story's first 12 days in the fall of 2006, but they weren’t the only ones with a vast left-wing disparity. Time and Newsweek each devoted cover stories and multiple pages to the Foley scandal. Time put an elephant’s rear end on the cover with the words “What a Mess...Why a tawdry…

Joan Walsh Says She Looks 'Stupid' For Defending Weiner - Then Continu

June 8th, 2011 10:05 AM
To a liberal media member, politics means never having to say you were wrong. On Tuesday's "The Ed Show," Salon's Joan Walsh said she looked "kind of stupid" for defending Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) last week, then went right on defending him (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Defiant Morning Joe Defends Burying Weiner-gate: 'We'll Talk About Wha

June 8th, 2011 7:58 AM
Editor's Update: Thanks to tipster Jim Trotter who reminded us that back in February, Joe and the Brew Crew spent almost 4 minutes talking about Chris Lee's shirtless pic. (video at link) Yesterday, this column jibed Joe Scarborough & Co. for blacking out, during Morning Joe's first half-hour, coverage of Anthony Weiner's epic news conference of the day before. Today, a defiant…

DUers and Kossacks Punch Themselves Silly for Believing in Weiner

June 7th, 2011 9:43 PM
The sounds of the slaps you hear are those of the DUers at the Democratic Underground and the Kossacks at the Daily Kos slapping themselves silly for ever believing Anthony Weiner's very obvious lies. The only thing that makes them angrier than their gullibility being publicly exposed is the fact that Weiner apologized to Andrew Breitbart. That really drove them over the edge and contributed…

MSNBC's Uygur on Weiner: 'You Know How Many Times I Lied To Girlfriend

June 7th, 2011 9:01 PM
MSNBC's Cenk Uygur made an on air admission Tuesday that might not only raise some of his boss's eyebrows but could also make a few ex-girlfriends very unhappy. As he defended Congressman Anthony Weiner's (D-N.Y.) handling of the sex scandal that's riveted the nation for more than a week, Uygur said to his guests, "You know how many times when I was single, and I had girlfriends, you know how…

Gullible Wolf Blitzer: I 'Sort of Believed' Weiner's Lie

June 7th, 2011 6:41 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer admitted Monday that he believed Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) when the congressman told him in an interview that he did not send a lewd photo of himself over Twitter. Blitzer related to CNN's Piers Morgan Monday evening his thoughts immediately after the interview. "I'm saying to myself, you know what, it sounds to me like it may have been his picture, but it was out there…

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Demands Weiner Resign; Other Ladies on The View D

June 7th, 2011 5:39 PM
MRC’s Scott Whitlock last week called to light Joy Behar’s suggestion on The View that Congressman Anthony Weiner’s social media scandal was part of a conspiracy by political opponents, a view repudiated by fellow panelist Barbara Walters.  “Somebody is out to get him, apparently, 'cause they don't like his politics,” Behar said on the ABC daytime talk show on Tuesday. Despite Monday’s…