Moderate Islam

Daily Beast Columnist: Dubya Can Redeem Himself By Trashing Trump
July 13th, 2016 11:02 AM
In an Internet meme from President Obama’s first term, George W. Bush asked America, “Miss Me Yet?” Even though The Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky is a liberal, he does miss Dubya, after a fashion. In a Monday column, Tomasky called Bush “one of the worst presidents” ever but conceded that when he was POTUS, the Republican party was a mere “war-starting, economy-wrecking” outfit, while today’s GOP…

AP: Egypt's Morsi Was 'Freely Elected President,' Ignores His Tyranny
July 2nd, 2016 1:46 PM
In its coverage of Egypt's declaration of a national holiday to mark the ouster of Islamist dictator Mohammed Morsi (also spelled "Mursi") three years ago, the Associated Press recast history. It completely ignored Morsi's assumption of de facto dictatorial powers only months after he was "freely elected" in 2012, his government's brutal repression while he was in power, and his Muslim…

After Smearing Christianity, CBS Notices Brutality of Islam to Gays
June 16th, 2016 12:54 AM
Roughly 24 hours after attacking Christianity as contributing to the Orlando terror attack on the gay night club, Wednesday’s CBS Evening News did their due diligence in devoting a full segment to how a slew of Islamic countries punish anyone who is or suspected of being gay with death.

Nets Hype Obama and Hillary’s ‘Passionate’ ‘One-Two Punch’ of Trump
June 15th, 2016 1:22 AM
All the networks in the “big three” praised President Obama, during their evening shows on Tuesday, for taking the presumptive GOP nominee to task on how to fight the War on Terror. They all talked about Obama’s takedown in glowing terms, while pointing out how Donald Trump’s strategy breeds hate. NBC even saluted the Democratic Party for putting Obama and Hillary Clinton together to fight Trump…

ThinkProgress Blames Christians For Orlando Shooting
June 14th, 2016 12:30 PM
ThinkProgress LGBT Editor, Zach Ford, blames “conservative Christians” for the Orlando shooting, which tragically killed or injured over 100 people this past weekend. According to Ford, conservative Christians caused the shooting in two ways: by their own “violence” to the LGBT community and by their anti-Islamic sentiment, a “spark” for the attack.

Media Ignore External Influences on 'Homegrown Extremist' Mateen
June 13th, 2016 6:05 PM
In his second speech on Sunday morning's terrorist massacre in Orlando, Florida, President Barack Obama said on Monday that "the shooter was inspired by various extremist information that was disseminated over the Internet," that "we see no clear evidence that he was directed externally," and that "this is certainly an example of the kind of homegrown extremism that all of us have been so…

WashPost: German Right Opposes Muslim Immigration Because Hitler!
June 7th, 2016 11:23 AM
The Washington Post’s Anthony Faiola is worried about Germany. Actually, he’s worried about the thousands of Muslim refugees inundating the country and “testing the national will to protect minority rights adopted after World War II.”

You Won’t Believe This Hilarious NYT Correction on a Muslim's Snapchat
May 11th, 2016 1:24 PM
On Tuesday, Twitchy and a number of other fine sites found what amounted to be one of the more hysterical corrections one will ever see and involved none other than everyone’s favorite liberal newspaper, The New York Times.

WashPost: Asad Shah's Death Had 'Nothing to Do With Christianity'
April 9th, 2016 5:08 PM
Two weeks ago, yours truly posted on a very inadequate March 26 U.S.-distributed Associated Press story out of Glasgow the previous day (since expired) about the murder of Asad Shah. Despite the fact that far more information was known at the time, the wire service would only acknowledge that "the killing of a Muslim shopkeeper who wished Christians a happy Easter is being investigated as '…

AP Hides Truth About Death of Moderate Muslim Asad Shah in Scotland
March 27th, 2016 3:37 PM
Perhaps it would be understandable if U.S. media outlets chose not to cover the death of Asad Shah in Scotland. After all, it occurred overseas, and only one person has died.
But the Associated Press did decide to cover the story and post it at its subscribers' U.S. news sites. As such, the AP has a duty to reveal what is known at the time its reports appear. Thus far, it has failed miserably.…

CNN's Zakaria Likens Conservatism to 'Rise of Extremism' in Islam
March 7th, 2016 1:20 PM
On his Sunday program, CNN's Fareed Zakaria asserted that the relationship between conservative/Republican leaders and the grassroots was "similar" to the "dynamic" between moderate Muslims and Islamists: "A main cause of the rise of extremism in the world of Islam has been the cowardice of Muslim moderates...It is now clear that a similar dynamic has been at play in the world of conservatism."…

The Banlieue Beat: NYT Goes to Bat for Persecuted French Muslims
January 22nd, 2016 9:18 AM
With France wracked by Islamic terrorism and anti-Semitic attacks, Thursday’s New York Times offered some valuable public relations on behalf of poor, downtrodden, persecuted Muslim immigrants, with Suzanne Daley, formerly the national editor for the paper, issuing a classic bleeding-heart report that skipped all the problems and came complete with hostile labeling of immigrant critics: “Rap…
Brokaw Uses NN Commentary to Compare Trump to Nazism, McCarthyism
December 9th, 2015 3:14 AM
As part of NBC Nightly News’s five segments on Tuesday obsessing over Donald Trump’s proposed ban on all Muslims entering the United States, the program turned to former anchor Tom Brokaw to end the show with a commentary comparing Trump to Nazism, McCarthyism, and opposition to the Civil Rights Movement. In the three teases proceeding Brokaw’s editorial, current anchor Lester Holt promised that…
Daily Show: ‘Trump Is White ISIS’; GOP Should Be Banned from WH
December 9th, 2015 2:15 AM
Seeking to crack a few jokes and draw a moral equivalency and lump together Islamophobia and liberal stereotypes of conservatives, Tuesday’s Daily Show featured host Trevor Noah and correspondent Hasan Minhaj quipping that “Donald Trump is white ISIS” and, because of that, we "should not allow any conservatives into the White House."