Column: Health Care Numbers Are Stacked Against Obama

March 13th, 2014 7:03 PM
From its inception, everything about President Barack Obama's health care law has been controversial. The latest controversy came with the government release of new numbers. Through February, 4.2 million Americans had signed up for health insurance on the government exchanges. Supporters believe that while the numbers are lower than they'd hoped, the problem was simply a poor website rollout.

Colbert to Ronan Farrow: You’re So Young ‘You Could Actually Still

March 12th, 2014 4:11 PM
MSNBC’s newest liberal darling Ronan Farrow paid a visit to Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report” on Tuesday night, and the daytime MSNBC host was hilariously mocked by the liberal comedian during the entire segment. Throughout the interview, Colbert repeatedly poked fun at Farrow and his liberal MSNBC network, going so far as to tell his guest at age 26 “You could actually still be on your…

CNN Plays 'Hide the Story' As GOP Wins Key Fla. House Race

March 12th, 2014 9:58 AM
Last night, I noted that the Associated Press had not deigned to consider Republican David Jolly's victory over Democrat Alex Sink in the FL-13 Congressional race a "Top U.S. Story" as of 10:13 p.m. To AP's credit (or perhaps because of yours truly's and others' razzing?), a story about the race was at the Number 6 spot in Top U.S. Stories as of 8:15 this morning., on the other hand (…

AP Jumps to Downplay David Jolly's Victory in Big-Money U.S. House Rac

March 11th, 2014 11:17 PM
We all know that if Democrat Alex Sink had defeated David Jolly in FL-13's special Congressional election tonight, the morning news shows would have been all over the story, crowing that her victory represented a convincing verdict in favor of Obamacare. Well, that didn't happen. David Jolly won, despite being badly outspent and forced to survive a bruising January primary. He also had to…

Networks Continue Touting White House's Plug for ObamaCare, Ignore Enr

March 11th, 2014 10:08 PM
On Tuesday evening, the networks continued relaying the White House's plea to young voters to sign up for ObamaCare, touting President Obama's mock interview with comedian Zach Galifianakis where Obama plugged for his own health care law. ABC's Diane Sawyer called it a "bold move" and both CBS and NBC hailed the interview as a success. CBS's Scott Pelley said, "it worked. The video became the…

Weakening Obama Economy Not Given Proper Blame in Press Accounts on Re

March 10th, 2014 11:53 PM
In the past week, Radio Shack has announced that will close 1,100 stores, or over 20 percent of its U.S. outlets. Staples is shuttering 225 stores, or roughly 12 percent of theirs. Smaller downsizings earlier this year have been reported at Macy's (involving store and other personnel) and J.C. Penney. One gets the impression from press reports that these are occurring primarily because of…

Peggy Noonan on Latest ObamaCare Delay: ‘Is There Still An ObamaCare

March 9th, 2014 3:08 PM
ABC’s This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos was the only Sunday show that bothered to cover the latest ObamaCare delay and with it came some interesting insight from the panel of political experts. Appearing on Sunday’s program, Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan mocked the latest delay and hilariously asked her fellow panelists if “there still a law? Is there still an ObamaCare law? It'…

ABC’s Jonathan Karl Mocks Ted Cruz, Calls Repealing ObamaCare A ‘B

March 9th, 2014 11:37 AM
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) sat down for an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Jonathan Karl following his speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), and from the beginning was met with a barrage of questions over his outspoken criticism of President Obama. The interview, which aired on Sunday’s This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos, featured a myriad of topics including…

Juan Williams Calls Out 'Disgraceful Double Standard' as Rutgers Facul

March 8th, 2014 8:25 PM
Few have defended the Obama administration, and especially Obamacare, as vocally and in my view often unreasonably, as Fox News's Juan Williams. He has gone so far as to call Republican Party opposition to Obamacare its "original sin," and absurdly claimed that "massive opposition" from Republicans is what forced's rushed rollout. One blind spot Williams does not have involves…

AP Quickly Buries Today's Disappointing Economic Reports, While Dispat

March 5th, 2014 4:54 PM
You don't even need to know the specifics to realize that today's economic reports were weak. All you need to know is that there was no mention of them in the Associated Press's list of Top 10 business stories as of 3:35 p.m. Among stories considered more important: a product review of Apple's tiny market-share program called iWork and three dozen passengers suing Carnival Cruise Lines. This…

Outraged MSNBCer: ‘Is It Even Legal’ For Restaurant to Add ObamaCa

March 3rd, 2014 5:24 PM
You reap what you sow. Most MSNBC hosts have excitedly touted ObamaCare over the past four years, despite warnings that the law would increase costs for businesses. Well, now we are beginning to see the natural consequences of what the health care law is doing to businesses, and at least one MSNBC host is upset by it. On Saturday’s Weekends with Alex Witt, Ms. Witt was incensed that Gator’s…

AP's Kuhnhenn: Debt and Deficit Worries Are So

February 28th, 2014 4:49 PM
Perhaps I'm being too kind in describing the Associated Press as "The Administration's Press." Based on Jim Kuhnhenn's ridiculous "Don't worry, be happy" Saturday report on how unimportant he says the still growing national debt and the still historically large federal budget deficits supposedly are, maybe I should start calling the wire service "The Administration's Publicists" instead.…

Media Ignore Liberal Law Prof's 'Government Unto Himself' Warning on O

February 28th, 2014 8:12 AM
The volume of significant news going unreported in the establishment press has gone from astonishing to surreal. The best example of that, as intrepid NewsBusters posters have noted now for nine months, is the virtually complete blackout in the establishment press of developments in the IRS-conservative targeting scandal. Separately, left-leaning law professor Jonathan Turley warned a…

Harry Reid Insists ObamaCare Horror Stories Are ‘Lies’; Big Three

February 27th, 2014 2:27 PM
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid insulted victims of ObamaCare on Wednesday – and the three major networks didn’t seem to care. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] Speaking on the Senate floor, the Nevada Democrat lashed out at those whose lives have been hurt by the law, saying this: