Networks Parrot White House Spin That Latest ObamaCare Delay Due to 'S

March 26th, 2014 10:56 AM
On Wednesday, all three network morning shows repeated the White House line that the reason for delaying the March 31 ObamaCare enrollment deadline was due to a last-minute "surge" of people signing up. In a 20-second news brief on NBC's Today, fill-in news reader Tamron Hall announced "a reprieve this morning for people who've been trying to sign up for ObamaCare," before noting that "the…

Column: Obama's Oh-Bummers for Americans

March 25th, 2014 5:51 PM
With Obamacare's March 31 sign-up deadline and subsequent penalties looming over the heads of young and old Americans, citizens are wondering more than ever — and with good reason, I might add — whether Washington has dished out another bill of bad goods. And here are a few more solid reasons our skepticism about socialist medicine continues. Reporter Bob Unruh at WorldNetDaily recently…

Andrea Mitchell Slams Hobby Lobby: 'What Right Do They Have to Interfe

March 25th, 2014 4:39 PM
On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Tuesday, host Andrea Mitchell interrogated attorney Mark Rienzi for representing Hobby Lobby in the Supreme Court case against the ObamaCare contraception mandate: "What right do they have, again, to interfere with medical decisions by women?...I mean, this gets to the whole issue of women's health and why should women be discriminated against in ways that…

MSNBC’s Rev. Sharpton Declares ObamaCare a ‘Godsend,' Krystal Ball

March 25th, 2014 4:01 PM
Appearing on Monday’s PoliticsNation, MSNBC’s Krystal Ball spat on the religious liberty that Hobby Lobby is presently fighting to defend before the U.S. Supreme Court. The co-host of The Cycle refused to believe that the Hobby Lobby case is about religious liberty, insisting it is actually about “whether your employer can decide what kind of health care you're going to have access to.” She…

MSNBC's Anti-Catholicism: Reid Warns of 'Catholic Justices...Asserting

March 25th, 2014 1:07 PM
On Tuesday, Hot Air's Ed Morrissey correctly pointed out Joy Reid's implicit anti-Catholicism during the commentary segment that closed her MSNBC program on Monday. Reid zeroed in on the Supreme Court cases challenging the Obama administration's abortifacient/contraceptive mandate under ObamaCare, and hyped how "the Court that will decide includes six Catholic justices – some of whom have not…

Diligent Drudge Includes Obamacare Penalty in First Federal Tax Estima

March 25th, 2014 12:56 AM
On Friday afternoon, Matt Drudge announced in a tweet that "(I) Just paid the Obamacare penalty for not 'getting covered'... I'M CALLING IT A LIBERTY TAX!" A White House spokesman and the "progressive" press proceeded to thoroughly embarrass itself in its rebuttal attempts. How do I know? Because, four days later, despite the substantial and widely-known uproar, the Associated Press, aka the…

Gabriel Malor Skewers Liberal Media's Top 'Six Lies' About Contracepti

March 24th, 2014 4:33 PM
"[I]f you read a newspaper to find out about the contraception mandate cases, you will read lies," attorney and conservative writer Gabriel Malor argued in his excellent March 24 piece for The Federalist, "Six Lies The Leftist Media Tells About The Contraception Mandate Cases." "The leftist papers do not mention the substantial monetary burden put on religious business owners to violate their…

Andrea Mitchell on Obama Delaying ObamaCare: ‘One Thing That Really

March 24th, 2014 8:36 AM
NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell had some surprisingly tough words for President Obama regarding the role ObamaCare will play in the upcoming midterm elections. Speaking to David Gregory on the March 23rd “Meet the Press” Mitchell commented that President Obama’s decision to unilaterally delay certain aspects of ObamaCare was the “one thing that really undermines his case against the Republicans in…

CBS Boosts White House's Final Push For ObamaCare Before March 31 Dead

March 20th, 2014 12:56 PM
Bill Plante acted as a stenographer for the Obama administration on Thursday's CBS This Morning, as he spotlighted the "multi-tiered state and national effort to get young people enrolled" in ObamaCare before the end of March. Plante touted the "supportive celebrity Tweets and videos....and a tongue-in-cheek tool kit that teaches parents how to get on social media and 'nag' their children '…

Obama’s ‘Baracketology’ Meets NPR for ObamaCare Propaganda Segme

March 20th, 2014 10:15 AM
President Obama filled out his annual bracket for the NCAA Tournament and NPR’s All Things Considered predictably fawned over the “annual ritual” in which “President Obama” turned sports analyst today.” The online piece ha a similar cheerleading theme which proclaimed that “In ACA March Madness, Obama's Bracket Is Just A Role Player.” On Wednesday March 19, NPR’s Audie Cornish gushed at how “…

Almost Six Months Into Obamacare, AP Finally Discovers Cancer Patients

March 19th, 2014 11:59 PM
Sometimes the saying "better late than never" applies. This isn't one of them. In a report originally time-stamped on March 18 (HT Sweetness and Light) and revised this afternoon at its national web site, the Associated Press's Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and seven other AP reporters found out that Obamacare is putting the screws to many cancer patients. Of course, they didn't phrase it that way…

CNN Admits ObamaCare 'Still a Liability,' But Hypes 'Major Milestone

March 18th, 2014 6:52 PM
In a refreshing change of pace, CNN's John King skeptically wondered on Tuesday's New Day about the White House touting the five million "enrollments" in ObamaCare: "They wanted to get the seven million by March 31 – unlikely they'll get there....How important are the next couple of weeks, and...if they get to six, can they spin that as a success, or is this baked in as a failure?" King…

ObamaCare Enrollment Still Falling Short, CBS Spins it as 'Milestone

March 18th, 2014 11:38 AM
Following the release of new ObamaCare enrollment numbers on Monday showing five million sign-ups – still two million short of the original seven million goal set by the administration – fill-in CBS This Morning co-host Anthony Mason spun the news as positive: "This morning, the White House is closer to a crucial goal ahead of a key deadline for the health care law." [Listen to the audio or…

NYT Attempts to Limit Damage to Dems From Obama and Obamacare to Healt

March 17th, 2014 11:45 AM
One of the more humorous attempts at furious spin this weekend occurred over at the New York Times. Jonathan Martin and Ashley Parker somehow managed to cover how association with President Barack Obama is becoming “poisonous” to Democratic Party candidates in this fall's elections without identifying or even acknowledging the existence of the primary reason for his toxicity — namely his…