Some 'Stumble': On (Not Really) Last Day For Signing Up at, Use

March 31st, 2014 2:10 PM
The Associated Press has a breaking news update: If you want to apply for Obamacare at today and you've never set up an account, forget about doing so for the time being. The update is is running under this morning's old headline ("HEALTH CARE WEBSITE STUMBLES ON LAST DAY"), begging the question as to when a "stumble" turns into "I've fallen and I can't get up" (HT to several…

NPR Cheers On As ‘Obamacare Rolls Into N.H. Like A Political Campaig

March 31st, 2014 10:16 AM
Monday March 31 is the deadline for individuals to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act without facing a penalty and on Monday March 31 the folks at NPR’s “Morning Edition” did their best to spin the so-called success of ObamaCare in New Hampshire. NPR reporter Tamara Keith hyped how despite polls in New Hampshire showing ObamaCare’s unpopularity, “Enrollments in the…

Chuck Todd Declares ObamaCare is Now 'Unrepealable

March 31st, 2014 10:10 AM
Appearing on Monday's Today, NBC's chief White House correspondent and political director Chuck Todd seized on ObamaCare hitting the six million sign-up mark by the March 31 deadline, proclaiming: "So at a minimum, the importance of hitting the six means the law is unrepealable....It means that it's here to stay." Todd made no mention of only 26% of Americans supporting ObamaCare…

AP's Word For Today's System Crash at 'Stumble

March 31st, 2014 9:55 AM
The Obamacare-loving press spares no effort in excusing and minimizing the scheme's operational, systemic, and law-based failures. Six months after launch, still isn't functioning as intended. In fact, as of 8:47 a.m. this morning, the time stamp on an Associated Press report (also saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) by chief wire service…

AP Ignores Why Vegas Culinary Workers Have Authorized Strike: Obamacar

March 30th, 2014 10:13 AM
The headline and first paragraph at an Associated Press item on a union strike authorization vote in Las Vegas are both far more vague than they could or should be. Though the rest of Ken Ritter's coverage at least identifies the union involved, it completely fails to get to the heart of the matter, which is that Obamacare is causing huge increases in their employers' cost of providing health…

Networks Ignore Ultra-Low Support For ObamaCare; CBS Hypes 'Surging' W

March 28th, 2014 8:49 PM
Friday's CBS Evening News picked up where the Big Three morning shows left off earlier in the day and trumpeted how "visitors have been surging to [] – about one-and-half million a day." Scott Pelley did give a bit of slightly bad news during his 16-second news brief, noting that "today, the ObamaCare website was taken down for about 20 minutes, to fix a problem that affected log-…

Networks Cheer ObamaCare 'Sign-Up Surge' as 'Milestone,' Ignore Lack o

March 28th, 2014 3:42 PM
On Thursday evening and Friday morning, ABC, NBC, and CBS all touted a "surge" in sign-ups for ObamaCare ahead of Monday's March 31 deadline. What none of the networks mentioned was that the percentage of young, healthy enrollees was still short of the minimum necessary to sustain the health care law. On ABC's World News on Thursday, anchor Diane Sawyer hailed the enrollment numbers as an "…

CNN Email Touts 6 Million Obamacare Sign-ups As 'Symbolic Victory

March 28th, 2014 9:14 AM
Call it low-information voter outreach. An email yesterday from CNNMoney touted how fantastic it was that Obamacare enrollment has reached the six million threshold, even describing it as a "symbolic victory." Though the underlying article by Tami Luhby at least noted the problems with that 6 million figure, those problems should have been enough to negate that characterization. Instead,…

Coulter Column: Screw You, Mickey Kaus

March 27th, 2014 7:03 PM
I've been thrown off my health insurance -- THANKS, OBAMACARE! -- and have spent hours and hours over the past month trying to figure out my options now that the Democrats have made my old plan, which I liked, "illegal." (I prefer to think of my plan as "undocumented.") Whom do I bill for the hours of work Obamacare forced me to perform? How about you, Mickey? You're the smartest living…

They Don't Care: 50 States of Obamacare Victims

March 27th, 2014 4:52 PM
This post builds on Geoffrey Dickens' post late this morning ("American Horror Story: Tales of ObamaCare Victims Untold by the Big Three Networks") about the virtual lack of any kind of coverage of the real people affected by Obamacare. Perhaps some readers believe that little coverage is occurring because there are few if any local situations worthy enough to rise to the level of national…

Obnoxious Chris Hayes Attacks Conservative Guest: She ‘Wakes Up Ever

March 27th, 2014 12:39 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes engaged in a nasty confrontation with conservative Jennifer Stefano of Americans for Prosperity over the latest ObamaCare delay. Stefano appeared on “All In with Chris Hayes” on Wednesday March 26 and was immediately attacked by the liberal MSNBC host. Hayes introduced his guest as “One of those people who I really think genuinely wakes up every day and thinks about how to…

Drudge 'Liberty Tax' Update: A CPA Firm Employee Weighs In

March 27th, 2014 10:25 AM
One of the odd things about the weekend pot-stirring by Matt Drudge over his stated inclusion of one-quarter of his estimated 2014 "Obamacare penalty" tax for not carrying health insurance coverage this year — calling it a "liberty tax" — is that few if any of those who criticized him seem to have bothered to consult with a tax practitioner for an expert take on the matter before what we now…

Politico: Obama Wants 'Halo Effect' From Pope Francis, 'Whose Cool Fac

March 26th, 2014 10:54 PM
Someone needs to tell the Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown that it isn't 2008 any more. While they're at it, that person also needs to inform her that the Pope Francis, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, could give a rip about whether or not he is perceived as "cool," and certainly isn't Obama's "replacement." Budoff Brown wrote tonight that President Barack Obama's meeting tomorrow with…

WashPost, NYT Uncritically Hail ObamaCare Delay, Omit Sebelius's Pledg

March 26th, 2014 4:28 PM
"More time for health sign-up" cheered the Washington Post front-page headline for Amy Goldstein's March 26 story on the administration's latest ObamaCare delay, this time for the individual mandate which requires Americans to be insured so as to avoid paying a "tax" penalty. In an amazing dereliction of her journalistic duty, Goldstein utterly failed to mention that just two weeks earlier HHS…