
Reid Frets Scalise on 'Race,' Guest Hopes He Stops 'Preying' on Poor

June 17th, 2017 1:31 PM
As the Reverend William Barber appeared as a guest on Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC to give his religion-based views on current events, host Joy Reid at one point seemed to worry about not being able to talk more about Republican Rep. Steve Scalise's conservative views and his history on "race," as she recalled the discredited story that the congressman spoke to a white nationalist event 15 years…

CNN's Cillizza Demands Examples of Fake News, Tidal Wave Ensues

June 13th, 2017 11:59 PM
There are people who appear to live in hermetically sealed bubbles, and then there's Chris Cillizza, formerly of the Washington Post but now at CNN. On the apparently safe assumption that he really thought President Donald Trump and the public would have a hard time coming up with answers, Cillizza challenged the Commander in Chief and, and in effect the Twitterverse, to "name a (news) story that…

Clueless: Lefty Media Prove in Health Care Debate How Little They Know

May 31st, 2017 11:31 PM
Insurance companies are first and foremost, you know, businesses! With that, expenses of their own follow that must be taken care of before they are best able to provide care for anyone else.  This understanding is at the heart of the new American Health Care Act recently passed by the House. 

Nets Downplay Confirmed Premium Reductions In House Health Care Bill

May 24th, 2017 10:39 PM
Early Tuesday evening, the non-partisan and often inaccurate Congressional Budget Office released its latest score for the revamped American Health Care Act. The big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were quick to latch onto the claim that 23 million people would be without health insurance. None of them mentioned how that figure comes from many people choosing not to buy the health care they…

Press Ignores Jerry Brown's Taxpayer-Directed 'Freeloaders' Insult

May 21st, 2017 2:28 PM
On May 12, California Governor Jerry Brown, during a visit to that state's Orange County, said, "The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them." His statement came during what the Orange County Register called "an impassioned defense" of the state's recently passed "road-improvement plan. The "freeloaders" he targeted with his remark are the state's taxpayers, those who wish to recall a tax-…

Who Has Absolute Health Care Moral Authority?

May 18th, 2017 5:20 PM
Here is what happens if you try to tell health care stories that defy big government orthodoxy: When GOP Congressman Rodney Davis of Illinois tried to recount how his wife, a nurse and colon cancer survivor, struggled in the nationalized Canadian health care system, liberal protesters responded by uttering "Ugh!" and catcalling him.

Real News: BuzzFeed Tacitly Approves GOP Rep. Being Run Off the Road

May 15th, 2017 4:27 PM
This might be difficult to believe, but it happened. On Monday, BuzzFeed News published a story entitled “People Say The Republican Congressman Who Was Allegedly Run Off The Road Is Ignoring Them” included some implied approval with a Republican Congressman David Kustoff (Tenn.) allegedly being run off the road by an angry liberal constituent.

Lefty Journalism Professor: Jimmy Kimmel ‘Will Save Health Care’

May 9th, 2017 3:23 PM
On Tuesday, left-wing City University of New York journalism professor Jeff Jarvis took to MSNBC’s 9 a.m. ET hour to celebrate late-night host Jimmy Kimmel supposedly being poised to “save health care” from Republican plans to repeal ObamaCare. Talking to anchor Stephanie Ruhle, Jarvis proclaimed: “The night he gave his first spiel on the show about his son I tweeted...that he will save health…

CNN Applauds Kimmel’s Health Care Position ‘No One' Should 'Dispute'

May 9th, 2017 12:43 PM
In the world of liberals, only their personal anecdotes matter and can’t be challenged. On CNN’s New Day early Tuesday morning, liberal co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo invited colleagues Brian Stelter and Bill Carter to laud ABC comic Jimmy Kimmel for his health care position that “no one should be able to dispute.”

NBC & CBS Censor Context to Make GOP Rep. Look Bad

May 8th, 2017 4:13 PM
On Monday, NBC’s Today and CBS This Morning deceptively edited comments from Republican Congressman Raul Labrador to constituents at a recent town hall meeting while discussing the GOP health care plan. While the Idaho representative was actually dispelling an outlandish false claim from a left-wing protester at the event, the two network morning shows ignored that context in an effort to make…

Nets Swoon Over Obama’s Call for ‘Courage’ to Keep ObamaCare

May 8th, 2017 1:03 PM
On Monday, the network morning shows were openly gleeful that former President Obama used his speech accepting a Profile in Courage Award from his liberal friends in the Kennedy family to trash Republican efforts to fix the mountain of problems created by ObamaCare. The ABC, CBS, and NBC broadcasts managed to ignore any of those failures as they cheered on Democratic efforts to use the issue to…

ABC’s Pretend Republican Dowd Pushes for Socialist Health Care

May 7th, 2017 2:42 PM
ABC commentator Matthew Dowd is supposed to help the network have a sense of being non-partisan by being their token Republican guest. But during his appearance on Sunday’s This Week, he seemed to show off his true political bent as he pushed for socialized medicine. “We need to ask the question, should we go to a single-payer system? Because affordability hasn't been fixed by this or ACA. And…

ABC Smears House GOP: ‘Betrayed’ and ‘Sold Out’ Their Constituents

May 7th, 2017 11:09 AM
In the wake of House Republicans passing the American Health Care Act on Thursday, the liberal Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) came out strong against it. Come Sunday morning, ABC was still railing against it. This time they openly asserted that the Republicans didn’t care about the people in their districts. “Republican lawmakers are hearing loud and clear from constituents who don't like…

Correcting the 'White Men Made Rape a Pre-Existing Condition' Meme

May 6th, 2017 5:11 PM
Within hours of the Obamacare replacement bill passing the House on Thursday, liberal sites were spreading terrible-sounding contents of the bill. Several women were quick to point out the panic was not well-informed, including on CNN on Friday afternoon.