March for Our Lives

ABC, NBC Skip Lefty Gun Control Activist Facing...Gun Charges
Late Monday afternoon, Louisville mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg (D) and his campaign headquarters were attacked in a spat of gunfire by an alleged gunman who, ironically, is a far-left gun control activist, Louisville Courier Journal columnist, former Courier Journal intern, March for Our Lives attendee, and MSNBC guest. Of course, the background on alleged 21-year-old suspect Quintez…

Matthew McConaughey as TX Governor Would Be Bad for Gun Rights
Apparently Matthew McConaughey would be a popular contender against Governor Abbot (R-TX) in the upcoming gubernatorial race, but people who have a soft spot for the “nice guy” need to realize that McConaughey might not be so good for the freedom Texas prides itself on.

NBC Hails Parkland Teacher Who Inspired Students to Anti-Gun Activism
On Thursday, just days ahead of the third anniversary of the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, NBC’s 3rd Hour Today show marked the occasion by touting the anti-gun rights movement that followed the tragedy. In particular, the broadcast applauded a government teacher at the school for helping make his left-wing students “ready for…

PBS Devotes Hour to Bashing NRA, Plugs Democrats for 2020

Rap Star Eminem Releases New Anti-Gun Song and Video

MSNBC Panel Swoons Beto ‘Found His Voice,’ Hails Gun Confiscation Plan

Alyssa Milano Was Unsure Ted Cruz Had 'A Heart' Prior to Meeting

CBS Teams Up With Parkland Group to Whine About No Gun Control

Intersectional Diva Madonna Touts Gun Control at World Pride Event

Madonna Reenacts Gruesome Shooting for Propaganda Music Video

MSNBC's Jolly Attacks Kashuv: ‘Exactly What We See’ With Mass Shooters

‘Goosebumps’! CNN's Baldwin, Camerota Cheer Hogg Family, Push Gun Bans

How Dare They? Daily Beast Enraged NRA Has Valentine’s Ad