Matthews Wonders If ‘Trump Cares About’ Stopping ‘Drugs’ at the Border
January 22nd, 2019 10:31 PM
Well, that’s a new one. During Tuesday’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews wondered to newly-minted MSNBC political analyst and former Missouri Democrat Claire McCaskill if President Trump truly “cares about” stopping the flow of illegal drugs from the U.S.-Mexico border, surmising that he doesn’t care about putting a halt to drugs that are killing thousands of Americans.
CBS: Trump Is ‘Beholden’ to Rush vs. Dems Fighting GOP ‘Bad Behavior'
January 22nd, 2019 4:58 PM
Heads you win, tails you lose. Journalists at CBS offered a no-win scenario for the government shutdown. Republicans, like Donald Trump, are intractable and beholden to Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. Democrats are holding firm, not wanting to reward the President’s bad behavior. CBS This Morning co-host Norah O’Donnell on Tuesday wondered, “We keep hearing about the President being so close to a…
MSNBC: ‘Life on Planet Earth’ in Peril as Shutdown Halts Climate Study
January 22nd, 2019 4:13 PM
Amid the ongoing partial government shutdown, on Monday, MSNBC anchor Katy Tur and correspondent Jacob Soboroff warned that the most devastating impact may be a temporary delay in a NASA climate change study. Soboroff feared that “life on planet Earth” itself may be in jeopardy if the budget impasse was not resolved soon.
GMA's Bruce Blasts Trump's 'So-Called Compromise' on Shutdown
January 22nd, 2019 10:03 AM
Tuesday, ABC’s congressional correspondent Mary Bruce didn’t even try to hide her disdain for Republicans and President Trump, while covering the government shutdown. On Good Morning America, Bruce mocked Trump’s proposal to re-open the government and touted Democrats as the victims in this "power play."
Brokaw Blasts New, Leftist House Dems 'Running through Halls'
January 22nd, 2019 8:45 AM
Saying that he blames the Democrats as much as the Republicans for the current DC disarray, Tom Brokaw, appearing on today's Morning Joe, said, "you've got the young people running through the halls, who are the new members of Congress, who are conducting pep rallies every day." Brokaw described the Dems as being "driven hard by the left."
NPR Talk Host Uses Covington Kids to Claim Wall is About 'Xenophobia'
January 21st, 2019 9:32 PM
As NewsBusters has previously reported, NBC marched a hard line to smear the Covington Catholic kids as racists in a viral video face-off with a Native American activist. NPR talk show host Joshua Johnson, a panelist on Sunday’s edition of Meet the Press, dragged the smears into a discussion of the government shutdown.
Maher Calls Trump a Terrorist, 'Dangerous Menace'
January 20th, 2019 6:20 PM
After a two month-long hiatus, Real Time With Bill Maher returned to the airwaves Friday. This episode was true to form when it comes to Trump-bashing, with the eponymous host calling President Trump a “dangerous menace” and a “terrorist.” At the beginning of the show, Maher interviewed John Kasich; the former Republican Governor of Ohio who now works as a CNN Contributor. Maher repeatedly tried…
Memo to Media and Pelosi: Never Troll the King of Trolls
January 19th, 2019 8:02 PM
Speaker Nancy Pelosi canceled Trump's State of the Union, and drew rave reviews from the press. None of them saw the n ext move coming: Trump canceled her trip abroad, due to same excuse -- security concerns. The media were furious at a "childish" president offering tit for tat. Never troll the King of Trolls.
CNN Blows Gasket Over Trump’s ‘Inflammatory,’ ‘Scare-Mongering’ Speech
January 19th, 2019 6:56 PM
CNN Newsroom presented a predictable reaction to President Trump’s Saturday afternoon remarks that offered a compromise to Democrats on immigration and government shutdown, blasting Trump’s speech as “inflammatory” filled with “misinformation and scare-mongering tactics” trying to still make “Trump’s little racist wall” happen.
MSNBC Claims Pelosi Has ‘Held Back Quite A Lot’ on Attacking Trump
January 18th, 2019 4:17 PM
Moments after MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell read a statement from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accusing President Trump of endangering U.S. troops in Afghanistan by publicly postponing the Democratic leader’s trip to the war-torn country, Capitol Hill correspondent Garrett Haake insisted that Pelosi actually “held back quite a lot” when it came to trashing Trump.
After Praising Pelosi's 'Power Play', Nets Bash Trump's 'Petty Feud'
January 18th, 2019 12:24 PM
When Speaker Pelosi called for the State of the Union address to be postponed, network morning show anchors celebrated it as a “bold” move and a “power play” — until they needed an excuse to criticize the President for retaliating. President Trump responded Thursday to Pelosi’s move by cancelling her military flight overseas, prompting those same network hosts to redefine the whole ordeal as a “…
Matthews: Trump’s ‘Cheap Shot’ Letter Made Dems ‘Look Like Fools’
January 18th, 2019 9:30 AM
Though not as hyperbolic or inconsolable as CNN and MSNBC were earlier in the day, Thursday’s Hardball still featured host Chris Matthews revolting over the President’s last-minute decision to cancel Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s overseas trip, dubbing it a “cheap shot” letter that “doesn’t look good for the country.” Beyond that, Matthews speculated without evidence about what would happen “if…
Tur, Panelists Freak Over ‘Man Baby’ Trump’s Letter Causing ‘Khaos’
January 17th, 2019 6:07 PM
In similar fashion to their fellow lefties at CNN, MSNBC Live was beside itself on Thursday afternoon after President Trump’s letter canceling Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s overseas visits to Afghanistan, Brussels, and Egypt. Host Katy Tur and assembled panelists blasted the “childish” “man baby” of a President for actions further illustrating the need for his removal via impeachment or the 25th…
CNN Goes DEFCON-1 Over ‘Childish,’ ‘Cranky’ Trump Axing Pelosi's Trip
January 17th, 2019 3:22 PM
File this one as yet another instance in which the liberal media took President Trump’s bait, hook, line, and sinker, launching into apocalyptic meltdowns and illustrating for the American public how, for those on the right not in The Resistance, they’re the opposition party. On Thursday afternoon, CNN suffered a network-wide meltdown over Trump’s letter canceling Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s overseas…