
Lauer: Trump Guilty of ‘Emotional Definition’ of Obstruction?

June 7th, 2017 11:52 AM
Matt Lauer is not a legal scholar, but apparently the morning show host likes to play one on TV. On Wednesday’s NBC Today, while lamenting reports that former FBI Director James Comey would not accuse President Trump of obstruction of justice during his congressional testimony on Thursday, Lauer still tried find a crime by absurdly claiming that Trump’s actions surrounding the Russia…

Matthews: Thursday Will Be Jimmy Stewart Vs. The Joker from Batman

June 6th, 2017 9:54 PM
As part of the liberal media’s all-out promotional campaign before James Comey’s Thursday morning Senate testimony, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews spun the hearing as one for the history books with Comey channeling Jimmy Stewart against a President Trump that Matthews compared to Batman’s The Joker.

Chris Cuomo Mocks Sen. Mike Lee, Calls Him Partisan

June 1st, 2017 5:19 PM
Thursday morning, CNN’s New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota had to be reminded by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) that then-FBI Director James Comey testified on May 3 that he had received no pressure to end any FBI investigation...

Nets Hype Kushner ‘Under Scrutiny,’ Then Admit He’s 'Not a Target'

May 26th, 2017 1:42 PM
On Friday, all three network morning shows began with anchors breathlessly declaring that President Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner was “under scrutiny” in the FBI’s Russia investigation. However, after offering the screaming salacious headlines, each broadcast quietly admitted that Kushner was not the target of the investigation nor was he accused of any wrongdoing.

David Gregory Calls Media Critics Hypocrites, Forgets Own Hypocrisy

May 24th, 2017 12:14 PM
On Wednesday morning, CNN political analyst David Gregory trashed those who dared to question the media’s hysterical coverage of the Trump administration. Unsurprisingly, he continued to practice his favorite past time of pushing false narratives. On CNN’s New Day, he at first went directly at the President: “you have the President of the United States demonstrably trying to shut down that…

Media Seize on Claim Comey ‘Disgusted’ by Trump Handshake

May 19th, 2017 5:38 PM
After Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Benjamin Wittes, a friend of fired FBI Director James Comey, took to PBS to accuse President Trump of a “calculated” attempt to “compromise” Comey simply by shaking the law enforcement chief’s hand at a White House event, the media ran wild with the story on Friday as another controversy for the commander-in-chief.

CNN Misquotes Trump Saying Could 'Only' Speak for Himself on Russia

May 18th, 2017 9:21 PM
On Thursday's The Lead, during a discussion of President Donald Trump's just concluded press conference, both host Jake Tapper and Jeffrey Toobin oddly made the same mistake in wrongly claiming that President Trump had stated that he could "only" speak for himself about whether his campaign colluded with Russia. In fact, what the President actually stated was that he could "always" speak for…

The Russians Have Come

May 18th, 2017 5:24 PM
While contemplating the Democrats' agitated preoccupation with the allegations of Russia's intrusion into our 2016 presidential election, many thoughts occur. However, the salient thought for me, engendered by our Democratic friends' anti-Russian rhetoric, is that many years ago during the early stages of the Cold War, The John Birch Society tried to warn us. It was raising the alarm as the…

Nets Flock to Special Prosecutor News, Knock Trump and Mock GOP

May 17th, 2017 10:29 PM
It appears that 5 p.m. has become the new witching hour, since for over a week that’s been when most of the major news stories regarding President Trump have been broken. It was no different Wednesday evening when D.C. was rocked by the announcement that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to be the special counsel to oversee the Russia…

60 Minutes Actually Reports That Robert Kennedy Approved MLK Wiretap

May 17th, 2017 5:26 PM
Kennedy apologists in media were surely shocked by what they witnessed on 60 Minutes this past Sunday -- acknowledgement of an episode in the life of Robert F. Kennedy that many liberals would prefer to keep hidden. In the wake of President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, the weekly CBS news magazine dusted off a 2014 interview with Comey from one year after he was appointed.

CNNers Baffled at Guest Pointing Out Comey's Temp Replacement Is Dem

May 17th, 2017 4:54 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of President Donald Trump firing FBI director James Comey, three CNN regular CNN panel members were befuddled and reacted with confusion after right-leaning historian Doug Wead pointed out that Comey's temporary replacement -- assistant director Andrew McCabe -- is himself a Democrat and therefore not someone who is likely to impede any investigation…

Todd Declares ‘Summer of Comey,’ GOP ‘Could Go Down With Trump’

May 17th, 2017 1:01 PM
During a panel discussion on Wednesday’s NBC Today about the reported James Comey memo accusing President Trump of asking to the former FBI Director to “let go” of the investigation into Michael Flynn, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd made clear what the media agenda would be for the next several months: “I think we know what the summer is gonna be, it’s gonna be the summer of Comey.”

Nets Sprint to Hammer Trump With Comey Memo, Yet They Haven’t Seen It

May 17th, 2017 12:14 AM
Another alleged “bombshell” fell on Washington, D.C. Tuesday, this one in the form of a memo Comey supposedly left for himself in his Russia investigation file. According to The New York Times, who had the unclassified memo read to them by a Comey associate over the phone, it purported claims that Trump pressured Comey to end the FBI investigation into Mike Flynn. Every member of the Big Three…

Toobin Declares 'Obstruction of Justice,' Ignores Contradictory Facts

May 16th, 2017 8:08 PM
A week to the day after President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, a memo he purportedly written claiming Trump asked him to end the Mike Flynn investigation was leaked to The New York Times. In the aftermath of the first story, CNN Senior Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin flew off the handle and compared it Watergate. A week later, Toobin was again jumping to conclusions and ignoring the sketchy…