After Shaming GOP on 'Border Czar,' PolitiFact Fails To Define 'Woman'

July 25th, 2024 1:35 PM

On Wednesday, PolitiFact beclowned itself as it claimed it is “mostly-false” for Republicans to say Vice President Kamala Harris was appointed “border czar.” However, that was not all. Also on Wednesday, PolitiFact tried to attack the party for…


Nets Cheer Biden in Nevada, Ignore Incendiary Rhetoric Toward Trump

July 17th, 2024 2:41 PM

On Wednesday, the flagship morning news shows of ABC, CBS, and NBC made sure to tout President Biden’s Tuesday afternoon address in Las Vegas to the NAACP convention, but only played up sanguine soundbites calling for a lowering of the temperature of our civic discourse, not those saying Republicans want to “erase..history” and want to take away the “freedom” of black people.


Former CNN 'Reality Check' Pundit Wins House Democratic Primary

June 26th, 2024 1:49 PM

Former CNN “reality checker” John Avlon won the Democratic Primary in New York’s 1st Congressional District, defeating chemistry professor Nancy Goroff by 40 points.


Maher Attacks Ten Commandments As 'Dumb, Ancient Bronze Age List'

June 22nd, 2024 10:11 AM

When it comes to HBO’s Bill Maher, you can sometimes take the liberalism out of the atheist, but you cannot take the atheism out of the liberal. Reacting to Louisiana passing a law that mandates the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public school classrooms on Friday’s Real Time, Maher didn’t just attack the idea as a violation of the First Amendment, but claimed the Ten…

CNN Targets Trump-Allied Christian School in Attack on School Choice

June 22nd, 2024 6:24 AM

On Friday morning, CNN News Central investigated the Arizona school system and how it has been impacted by school choice. Instead of reporting the undeniable flaws of the public school system, correspondent René Marsh tried her best to focus on the religious and Trump-affiliated groups which have caused an alleged “civil rights issue” by simply staying true to Biblical sexual…

Portentous PBS Plugs NBC Reporter's Book on Scary TX Anti-CRT Movement

June 20th, 2024 10:24 PM

Monday’s PBS News Hour handed over a news segment to an ostensible ratings rival, NBC News and its reporter/podcaster Mike Hixenbaugh, who has a new book out with the portentous title They Came for the Schools -- One Town's Fight Over Race and Identity, and the New War for America's Classrooms. Hixenbaugh and his onscreen NBC reporting counterpart Antonia Hylton have…


For Juneteenth, PBS Spreads Fake News About GOP Education Policy

June 20th, 2024 1:17 PM

PBS’s Christiane Amanpour likes to say that journalists should be “truthful, not neutral,” but a common theme of Amanpour and Company is that her commitment to the truth only goes one way. For Wednesday’s Juneteenth show, Amanpour claimed that Donald Trump’s presidency and the Supreme Court represent “hurdles” to racial equality, while her guest, Equal Justice Initiative Executive…


Colbert Helps Bowman Sanitize His History Of Spouting Hamas Propaganda

June 20th, 2024 10:07 AM

Fire alarm puller, whacky conspiracy theorist, anti-Semite, and far-left Congressman Jamaal Bowman is facing a tough primary challenge, and in an attempt to turn his political fortunes around, he journeyed over to CBS and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Wednesday, where the eponymous host helped sanitize his history of spouting Hamas propaganda while also attacking Republicans…


Regime Media FREAK OUT Over Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law

June 20th, 2024 12:33 AM

Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public schools across the state. The corporate media’s reaction to this development is best described as a collective muted hysteria.


PATHETIC: CBS’s Burleson, King Lob Nauseating Softballs at Fauci

June 18th, 2024 1:35 PM

Tuesday’s CBS Mornings marked the latest stop on Dr. Tony Fauci’s book tour for his memoir and, considering co-host/Democratic donor Gayle King and co-host/former NFL player Nate Burleson were at the table, it largely consisted of one gross softball after another sucking up to this former leftist icon about how tough it must be to be him, how some don’t understand science, and how…


Ms. Rachel Attempts to Justify Her LGBTQ Support With Scripture

June 5th, 2024 11:56 AM

Children's YouTube content creator, Ms. Rachel, recently posted a video for Pride month, subsequently receiving backlash for promoting LGBTQ+ issues to her young audience. In response, she released a new video in which she attempted to use biblical references, specifically Matthew 22:36-40, to justify her stance on love and acceptance of all. Her interpretation of these verses sparked more…


Baby & Toddler YouTuber Posts Video Celebrating Pride Month

June 3rd, 2024 12:00 PM

Popular YouTuber Ms. Rachel, known for her educational content for babies and toddlers, received criticism for posting a video celebrating Pride Month. Critics argue that her content, including having non-binary guests on her show, allegedly promotes an agenda beyond childhood education. This incident emphasizes the need for parents to monitor their children's digital content we consume.

Biden’s Democracy Smokescreen in 2024

May 30th, 2024 1:21 PM

President Joe Biden makes no speech without mentioning the importance of democracy in our nation. We would like to believe this comes from deep ideals about human liberty lodged within our president. But more accurate is that Biden, a politician all his adult life, is defined by just that — politics. No word, no act emanates from our president that does not emerge from some political…

Dana Bash Tim Scott CNN State of the Union 5-26-24

CNN's Bash Covers For Biden On Kamala's Cracks Against Him On Race

May 28th, 2024 10:01 AM

On CNN's State of the Union, host Dana Bash defends Joe Biden over critical remarks on his record on race that Kamala Harris made against him. Bash brushes off the remarks as having been made by Karris when she and Biden were running against each other for the Democrat presidential nomination. But as her guest Sen. Tim Scott points out, the truth of Harris's accusations can be confirmed.