An Examination of Why Bill O'Reilly Misses the Point on Same-Sex Marri

April 8th, 2013 6:14 PM
During the highly publicized exchange between Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham on gay marriage, O'Reilly made this statement: "There are Bible thumpers, and all they do is say, 'I object to gay marriage because God objects to it.' You don't win a policy debate in America with that." Really?

Hypocrisy Much? Theologian Who Uses Bible to Justify Tax Hikes, Gun Co

April 5th, 2013 3:32 PM
"I never thought I would write these words, but I agree with Bill O’Reilly (in part)." That's how Center for American Progress senior fellow and liberal theologian Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite opened her latest column for the Washington Post "On Faith" section, "Thumping the Bible: O’Reilly, gay marriage, and theology." Brooks Thistlethwaite was praising the Fox News anchor for "vigorously…

ABC's Matt Dowd Continues His Leftward Drift, Shocked Court Isn't Eage

April 1st, 2013 5:08 PM
ABC political analyst Matt Dowd on Sunday continued his evolution to the left, complaining about how disconnected the Supreme Court is from public opinion on gay marriage. Dowd, who worked for the Bush administration, appeared on This Week and chided, "To me, it's actually surprising that the Supreme Court is that actually far out of tune where the country is." He pushed, "So, the country is…

Shields and Brooks Split With Progressives, Urge Caution on Same-Sex M

April 1st, 2013 4:24 PM
The PBS NewsHour went into everyone’s favorite subjects last Friday, gays and guns, and discussed the overwhelming cultural shift concerning gay marriage. New York Times columnist David Brooks and syndicated columnist Mark Shields both commented on how this shift could be irreversible, but noted that the Supreme Court could “Roe v. Wade” the decision. That is, the faux conservative and the…

Once Again, WashPost Chooses to Print Rubin Item Criticizing Conservat

April 1st, 2013 12:55 PM
You have to hand it to Washington Post editors. They're pretty slick. In hiring Jennifer Rubin as their token conservative blogger, they have a rightie who criticizes the Right enough to ensure they seldom have to actually put in the print edition excerpts of her posts critical of President Obama. In early March I noted how Post opinion editors excerpted a Rubin blog which bashed the…

Krauthammer: Making it Unconstitutional to Deny Gay Marriage Will Lead

March 30th, 2013 12:42 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer made a statement on PBS's Inside Washington Friday that's guaranteed to raise eyebrows on both sides of the aisle. "If the [Supreme] Court were to decide that to deny same-sex marriage is unconstitutional... this will become an assault on religion" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CNNers Trash DOMA, Support Same-Sex Marriage, Call Its Opponents 'Homo

March 28th, 2013 3:23 PM
While CNN claims to be non-partisan, anchors have been openly expressing their favor for same-sex marriage and advocating the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Host Piers Morgan and anchor Don Lemon even descended into smearing opponents of same-sex marriage as "homophobic" and akin to segregationists. On Wednesday, Morgan tweeted, "What politicians are beginning to realise -…

A New York Times Blessing for Gay Activist Lawyer Mary Bonauto, '...a

March 28th, 2013 2:12 PM
After two days of same-sex marriage arguments at the Supreme Court, New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg bestowed a blessing on the "serious and unassuming" Mary Bonauto, a lawyer for Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD). Even the headline equated gay marriage with the civil rights fight, citing the legendary civil rights lawyer who became a Supreme Court Justice: "In Fight for…

Politico Misses Kagan '09 Statement on DOMA Story: 'There Is No Federa

March 28th, 2013 12:52 PM
So, Politico jumped the shark on gay marriage yesterday in reporting that Justice Elena Kagan that she had a ‘gotcha’ moment during yesterday’s hearings on the Defense of Marriage Act. But a real ‘gotcha’ moment would have been if Politico did their homework and resurrected Kagan’s past comments about gay marriage from 2009, when she was awaiting confirmation to the post of solicitor general…

ABC Hypes 'Electrifying' 'Fighter' Who Is Taking a 'Stand for Marriage

March 28th, 2013 12:00 PM
On Wednesday and Thursday, the journalists at ABC continued to treat the gay marriage issue as though there was only one acceptable side. Diane Sawyer and Terry Moran framed the case before the Supreme Court as simply "one American seeking justice" and gave almost no time to the opposition. On the March 27 World News, Sawyer used loaded language as she hyped, "Edith Windsor received a hero's…

Luke Russert Asks Tony Perkins 'What Do You Fear So Much' About Same-S

March 28th, 2013 9:31 AM
Compared to other MSNBC personalities, Luke Russert is usually rather restrained when it comes to his biases. But on Wednesday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, the son of the late Tim Russert could not hold back the condescension in his interview with Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] Perkins gave an eloquent defense of traditional marriage…

Cal Thomas Column: Beware Public Opinion

March 27th, 2013 6:44 PM
"If there is anything that links the human to the divine, it is the courage to stand by a principle when everybody else rejects it." -- Abraham Lincoln History is full of warnings about what happens when people follow public opinion instead of standing by their principles. In its most extreme manifestation, public opinion might well become mob rule when vigilantes take the law into their own…

Thousands March for Marriage; Media Ignore Them

March 27th, 2013 5:15 PM
Thousands of people gathered March 26 to “March for Marriage” on the National Mall to defend traditional marriage and families as the Supreme Court decided whether to upheld California’s prop 8. The diverse group carried signs that read “1 Man + 1 Woman= Marriage,” and “Every Child Deserves a Mom & Dad.” The march ended in a rally in front of the Washington Monument, where religious…

WashPost Religion Feature Spotlights Liberal Theologian Arguing Holy W

March 27th, 2013 4:58 PM
Out: Using Holy Week to push gun control.That's so 2012. In: Using Holy Week as a news hook for pushing same-sex marriage. Last April, I noted how liberal theologian and Washington Post "On Faith" contributor Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite used the week leading up to Easter as an opportunity to shame Christians towards getting rid of their firearms, twisting and contorting Christian Scripture to…