Coal Industry

New Yorker Contributor: Nuked Keystone XL Is Landmark in Climate Fight
The leader of a radical eco-extremist group celebrated President Joe Biden canceling the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, even as the move killed thousands of jobs. Co-founder of and New Yorker contributor Bill McKibben bellowed in a recent op-ed.

COVER UP? The Hill Defends Biden on Fracking, Ignores Past Comments
Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden just contradicted himself by claiming he was “not banning fracking.” Liberal outlet The Hill not only defended it but accused President Donald Trump of falsely stating Biden’s position.
The Left's Double Standard on Energy Policies
Was the power on in your house this morning? If so, thank fossil fuels! A few parts of America do get energy from other sources. Washington state has fast-flowing rivers that allow Washingtonians to get most of their electricity from hydroelectric power. Iowa now gets about 40% of its electricity from wind. But most of us get power from the much-hated fossil fuels, primarily natural gas and…

Quartz Editor-In-Chief Bashes Business Journalism As Too ‘White’
Conservatism should no longer be the standard for business journalism. At least that’s what a loopy op-ed by Quartz Editor-In-Chief Katherine Bell suggested. Bell’s op-ed was headlined, “It’s time for business journalism to break with its conservative past.”

Paul Krugman Babbles that Trump Wants Americans to ‘Die for the Dow’

Stephen Moore Says We Cannot Neglect Economy Any Longer

Buffett Gives Trump Economy Ammo: ‘Nothing Can Basically Stop America’

Eric Bolling NUKES Sally Kohn for Crackpot Economy Tweet

Climate Alarmist Naomi Klein Whines About ‘Coronavirus Capitalism’

Cruz BLASTS MSNBC’s Hayes’ Ignorant Green New Deal Tweet
MSNBC’s on-air talent just cannot seem to help themselves. MSNBC host of All In Chris Hayes sent out a flippant tweet in response to reports that the Trump administration will be asking Congress for “more than $800 billion in economic stimulus: $500 bil in payroll tax cut, $250 bil in Small Business Association loans, $58 billion for the airlines, and a smattering of other items." Hayes…

CNN Touts Climate Alarmists Blaming Skeptics for Wildfires

Worst Climate Scenario Is Not ‘Realistic,’ Says Bloomberg Columnist

NY Times Assails Australia for Abandoning Climate ‘Pragmatism’