
MRC Cited after Exposing ‘Most Disturbing Aspects’ of Biden Censorship
An MRC Free Speech America report exposing the Biden administration’s censorship took center stage at a Senate panel, thanks to the testimony of renowned journalist Benjamin Weingarten.

Trump FTC Chair Takes Fresh New Angle for Agency’s Role on Free Speech
The Federal Trade Commission under President Donald Trump will not tolerate pro-censorship Big Tech monopolies, according to the agency’s new chairman Andrew Ferguson.

Zuckerberg’s Free Speech Promise Kept? MRC Sees Early Surge in Traffic
Media Research Center data indicates that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s pledge to implement pro-free speech policies across Meta appears to have had an almost immediate impact.

Hillary Clinton Warns of Authoritarianism from Pro-Censorship Germany
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denounced supposed American authoritarianism while speaking in a country that does pre-dawn raids over internet posts. She quite literally seemed to forget where she stood.

Is Censorship the Millstone Sinking the Democratic Party?
A CNN poll reveals a record-low favorability rating for the Democratic Party at 29%, with censorship being a major concern for voters. Americans see free speech as crucial, especially as Big Tech is accused of censoring issues from transgenderism to climate change. The Biden-Harris administration faces criticism for promoting censorship as the Democratic Party now struggles with its image and…

The Biden Administration Waged War with 57 Censorship Initiatives
President Joe Biden and his administration spent four years continuously attacking the First Amendment and the free speech rights enshrined by the nation’s Founders.
The Biden administration’s censorship efforts ran the gamut from coercing and colluding with Big Tech platforms to silence his opponents; using taxpayer dollars to fund censorship organizations that pledged to cancel…

Does YouTube Marginalize ‘Family-Friendly,’ ‘Faith-Based’ Content?
YouTube has demonstrated a strong socially leftist animus for years. FCC Chair Brendan Carr wants to get to the bottom of it.

FCC Chair Carr Defends Free Speech in Europe Address
Federal Communications Commission Chair Brendan Carr used a Barcelona conference to let the world know where America stands on free speech.

The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Free Speech Under Trump
The New York Times can’t seem to make up its mind. Is free speech "killing us"? Or is Trump killing free speech?

Will the Real Jeff Bezos Please Stand Up?
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is taking a stand for free speech. Or is he?

Ex-CNN Peace Prize Winner: Ditching Fact-Checkers Is 'Kleptocracy'
Former CNN reporter Maria Ressa won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2021 for her “efforts to safeguard freedom of expression.” However, as the heads of the social media platforms move past their relationship with fact-checking companies and towards greater freedom of speech, she warned Comedy Central’s The Weekly Show podcast host Jon Stewart that America is sliding towards “kleptocracy.”

MRC-Led Free Speech Alliance to Senate: Confirm Mark Meador
The Media Research Center-led Free Speech Alliance sent a critical message to the U.S. Senate on Friday: we need a free speech majority on the Federal Trade Commission.

PBS: Trump Rifling ‘Dictator’s Playbook’ Like Philippine Strongman
Monday’s PBS News Hour featured former CNN reporter Maria Ressa, who was awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for her “efforts to safeguard freedom of expression,” but her tough experiences as a journalist in the Philppines taught her the wrong lessons -- that freedom of speech on social media is responsible for the rise in authoritarianism around the world, using the left-wing excuse…