
CBS Ignores Pro-Mask LUNATIC Striking Old Man Eating on Delta Flight

December 27th, 2021 8:52 PM

Since the start of the pandemic, the liberal media have used airline confrontations over masking policies to portray those opposed to pandemic protocols in a negative light. But a Sunday scuffle between a pro-mask woman and an 80-year-old-man, who had pulled his mask down to eat, got no airtime on Monday’s edition of CBS Evening News.

NewsBusters Podcast: Journos Claim They Only Make ‘Innocent’ Mistakes

December 27th, 2021 6:44 PM

Filling in for boss Tim Graham, NewsBusters deputy managing editor Nick “Night Train” Fondacaro and I were back in our saddles for Monday’s post-Christmas edition of the NewsBusters Podcast and, while it’s often a slower time of the year in the news business, we still had plenty to talk about.


CNN Tries to Bust 'Media Misconceptions' Like Harmful Political Bias

December 26th, 2021 2:39 PM

On the last so-called “Reliable Sources” of 2021, CNN media apologist Brian Stelter set out to bust some of the “misconceptions” the public had about the media. The misconceptions that needed to be battled included the idea that they have “malicious intent” when they publish fake news and that the media’s political biases were being actively offset internally, resulting in balanced…


CNN Cries 'Fake News' to Accurately Say Biden Has More Covid Deaths

December 26th, 2021 11:01 AM

China is responsible for every American Covid death. But if you’re going to try to parse out blame to a particular president, at least get the simple math right. On Christmas Eve, CNN Newsroom fill-in host Boris Sanchez had some trouble doing that as he definitively claimed it was “fake news” to accurately say that more Americans have been killed by Covid under President Biden than…


CBS/NBC Gawk at Lack of Covid Tests, Ignore Biden Grilled on Failures

December 23rd, 2021 8:38 PM

Two days before Christmas, and CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News spent part of their Thursday newscasts gawking at the long lines in major cities as people scrambled to get tested for Covid before gathering with family for the holiday. But what they failed to share with viewers was ABC World News Tonight grilling President Biden the previous evening on his ‘…


ABC/NBC Ignore Carjacking of Congresswoman, CBS Gives Just 24 Seconds

December 23rd, 2021 12:15 AM

On Tuesday evening Illinois Senator Kimberly Lightford was carjacked by three suspects wearing masks, according to a report by Fox 32 News. The next day, Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon was also carjacked at gunpoint by two men at F.D.R. Park in Philadelphia. Apparently, none of the three evening broadcast shows thought these stories deserved to be covered in depth.


CBS Avoids Criticism of Biden Testing Flop

December 21st, 2021 11:52 PM

With the surge in the new Omicron variant spreading rapidly throughout the country, and the Biden Administration seemingly being caught off guard by its spread, the CBS Evening News worked to run cover their friends in the White House by avoiding any mention of Biden’s COVID failures.

Cowardly NY Times Evades Awkward Fact of Black-on-Asian Hate Crimes

December 20th, 2021 9:59 PM

How lame can The New York Times be in addressing the recent spate of black-on-Asian hate crimes? Pretty lame. Take their Monday story from Oakland. They burned off 1,500 words about racial activists' failure to communicate instead of addressing the hate crimes head-on.


Lib TV News Ignores Sen. Blumenthal Attending Communist Party Event

December 19th, 2021 10:38 AM

On Friday, senator stolen valor a.k.a. Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT) apologized and pleaded ignorance when it was exposed that he attended an event affiliated with the Communist Party USA the previous weekend. The entire story came and went last week…


Carlson, Duffy TORCH the Liberal Media for Neglecting Waukesha

December 16th, 2021 12:08 AM

Wednesday night on his eponymous Fox News Channel show, host Tucker Carlson and former Congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI) lambasted the liberal media and their allies in elected office for having moved on from the deadly November 15 attack on the Waukesha, Wisconsin Christmas parade as the facts of the case run conflict with the left’s narratives about America. Put simply, as both acknowledged (and…


ABC Rediscovers Afghanistan Crisis, Ignores Americans Still Trapped

December 15th, 2021 11:19 PM

On Tuesday, the State Department and the White House drew scrutiny after they disclosed that there were still Americans and legal residents trapped in Afghanistan over three months after President Biden abandoned them there. Yet on Wednesday, when ABC was the only network to cover the ongoing humanitarian crisis there, they failed to mention those Americans.


Hiding the Body: Nets Ignore Death of Build Back Better Agenda

December 15th, 2021 9:09 PM

On Wednesday, it became clear that President Biden’s negligent spending in the Build Back Better bill was dead as Democrats did not have the votes in the Senate to get it passed before Christmas and the start of an election year. And after doing their darndest to gaslight the American public about what’s in the bill, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC; including Spanish-language…


Nets Unbothered By Americans STILL in Afghanistan, Inaccurate Numbers

December 14th, 2021 8:43 PM

On Tuesday, the State Department released new figures on how many Americans were still trapped in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and how many more Americans and lawful citizens were rescued post-U.S. withdrawal than originally disclosed to the American people. But that evening, it was a subject that was of no interest to the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) who combined for over…


Nets Skip Dem Gov. Declaring Covid 'Emergency Is Over', Won't Do Masks

December 13th, 2021 10:46 PM

While ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News spent part of their Monday newscasts touting Democratic states like California and New York reinstituting mask mandates, none of them mentioned Colorado’s Democratic governor, Jared Polis declaring “the emergency is over” and saying that he wouldn’t enforce a mask mandate; just as he wouldn’t…