Barrett Nomination

ABC Touts Dems Labeling Barrett Nomination an ‘Illegitimate Sham’
Just seconds after the White House ceremony nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court concluded on Saturday, ABC’s special coverage turned into a left-wing strategy session, with anchor George Stephonopoulos seizing on Democrats tarring the event as an “illegitimate sham.” The former Clinton hack later promised: “The battle just beginning.”

BIGOTS: MSNBC Starts ‘Handmaid’s’ Religious Assault on Barrett
It didn’t take any time at all for MSNBC to start in with the religious attacks against the Catholic Amy Coney Barrett. Just six minutes after the Supreme Court nominee finished her speech, anchor Nicolle Wallace was darkly warning about the People of Praise organization. But even DURING the speech, MSNBC producers felt it important enough to put it in an on-screen graphic. …