Barrett Nomination

USA Today Gives LGBT Nonprofit Space to Panic About SCOTUS
Pity the queers (their term, not mine). Having just emerged blinking and malnourished from Mike Pence’s concentration camps, they find themselves staring into the maw of a new nightmare: a supreme court possibly disinclined to treat the constitution like a goody bag.

Brian Williams Fears 'Unbelievably Cruel' Strikedown of ObamaCare
On Monday's The 11th Hour show on MSNBC, during a discussion of President Donald Trump nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the U.S. Supreme Court, host Brian Williams only made room for commentary from the left as he allowed former Barack Obama administration official Neal Katyal to give his reaction against her.

Supreme Court and Rules of the Game
The United States Constitution's Article 2, Sec. 2, cl. 2, provides that the president of the United States "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States." President Donald Trump has nominated Amy Coney Barrett as U.S. Supreme Court…

CBS Brings on Anita Hill to Talk Blocking Barrett, Endorsing Biden
On Tuesday’s CBS This Morning, co-host and Democratic donor Gayle King brought on Supreme Court nominee smear artist Anita Hill to demand that the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the high court be blocked. The partisan pair also discussed Hill’s endorsement of Joe Biden for president, supposedly because he would combat sexual harassment. Tara Reade might disagree with that…

Cruz Triggers 'View' By Bringing Up Cuomo's Nursing Home Scandal
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) held his own against the hostile, liberal hosts of ABC’s The View, Monday while promoting his new book about the Supreme Court entitled, One Vote Away. The hosts didn’t melt down in rage as they typically do, until the very end when Cruz triggered Joy Behar for countering her coronavirus narrative.

IRONIC: Hollywood Slimes Pro-Life Barrett As a Threat to 'Children
The idea of Trump getting a third pick for justice on the Supreme Court terrifies the left. Radical Hollywood liberals know that another conservative justice poses a threat to their precious Roe v. Wade, socialized healthcare, open borders and solidifies many of the American freedoms that these sycophants hate. Needless to say Trump’s latest nomination sent them into a furor.

Vile: Media’s ‘Anti-Racism’ Scholar Calls Barrett a 'White Colonizer'
The media’s favorite race hustling professor and author Ibram X. Kendi tweeted out a vile attack against Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett this past weekend, comparing her to a white “colonizer”....because she and her husband adopted two black children from Haiti.

MSNBC Panel MELTS DOWN Over Barrett Nomination
On Saturday night’s American Voices, MSNBC host Alicia Menendez melted down with Slate senior editor and legal correspondent Dahlia Lithwick, civil rights attorney Maya Wiley, and Rewire News Group senior editor Imani Gandy over President Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

MSNBC Warns Court on Being 'Out of Touch' On Abortion
Before Amy Coney Barrett was formally announced as President Trump's appointee to the Supreme Court on Saturday, The 11th Hour guest host Katy Tur and historian Michael Beschloss warned the Court that moving too far right on abortion will justify Democratic attempts to pack the Court.

Go Figure: CNN Obsesses Over Few Masks, No Distancing at ACB Event
CNN had a horrid Saturday. First, President Trump nominated a strong, conservative, faith-based jurist in Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Then, they couldn’t figure out how to react to the pick. If that wasn’t enough, one CNN liveshot was derailed by a fact-based group of Trump supporters calling the network fake news. Therefore, it wasn’t entirely surprising one massive narrative they…

DESPERATE CNN Invokes Merrick Garland, Bemoans Dems Elevating ACB
After Judge Amy Coney Barrett was announced Saturday as President Trump’s third Supreme Court pick, CNN started throwing things at the wall to see what stuck. Among their reactions included nods to Merrick Garland (yes, really), insisting Barrett will be a galvanizer for Democrats to the ludicrous claim liberals appeared to be behaving themselves and not personally attacking Barrett.

NBC Warns ‘Committed Conservative’ Barrett ‘Instantly Controversial'
On Saturday evening, shortly after President Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, NBC Nightly News let the ideological labels fly as the nominee was repeatedly identified as a “conservative” who was popular with the “religious right” and “instantly controversial.” By contrast, the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was never given any left-wing political label…

VILE: Race Hustler Al Sharpton Singles Out Barrett Children This Way
If you thought liberal journalists and hosts were ugly to Brett Kavanaugh, you haven’t seen anything yet. Minutes after Donald Trump finished nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, MSNBC speculated on secret coded messages the President was sending to racists. Race hustler Al Sharpton even disgustingly singled out Barrett’s children.

‘CNN Is Fake News!’; Crowd Crashes CNN Liveshot Outside Supreme Court
For those living under a rock, Saturday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for CNN and the rest of the liberal media as President Trump nominated distinguished Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. But for CNN, things got even worse when a crowd of fact-based individuals crashed a liveshot meant for Supreme Court reporter Ariane de Vogue and informed viewers that, yes, “…