Arizona law
'Overheated Hysteria': New York Times Editorial Goes All-Out to Attack
July 8th, 2010 4:49 PM
per·ni·cious \pər-'ni-shəs\ adj.: highly injurious or destructive : deadly Sounds like a pretty harsh word to describe something, right? So whatever the word pernicious is describing must be pretty bad. But leave it to The New York Times editorial board to throw this lingo around like it's no big deal. In a July 8 over-the-top editorial, the Times ripped the Arizona anti-illegal immigration law…
Immigration: Richardson Sees McCain Going Squishy If Re-Elected
July 7th, 2010 8:13 PM
Seriously: is Bill Richardson trying to wreck John McCain? Ask yourself: what would be the one thing most likely to undermine McCain with Arizona Republican Senate primary voters? Surely it would be the possibility that if re-elected, born-again immigration hawk McCain would revert to the squishiness that led him to partner with Ted Kennedy on a "path to citizenship" for illegals. Yet on this…
CNN Again Omits Pro-Illegal Immigration Stance of 'Public Defender
July 7th, 2010 6:02 PM
On Wednesday's Newsroom, CNN's Tony Harris omitted the pro-illegal immigration activism of guest Isabel Garcia, just as his colleague Suzanne Malveaux did more than two months earlier. Harris twice referred to Garcia as merely the "deputy public defender in Pima County, Arizona," and didn't mention her involvement in the beating and decapitation of a pinata effigy of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.…
State Lawmaker Discredits Campbell Brown's 'Misinformation' About Ariz
July 7th, 2010 2:09 PM
Debating the fallout of the Obama administration's attempt to squelch Arizona's popular immigration law before it goes into effect later this month, CNN's Campbell Brown on July 6 challenged a chief advocate of the law with a multi-pronged assault, only to see her attacks thwarted and her "misinformation" corrected.In a blatant contradiction, Brown dismissed State Senator Russell Pearce's (R-Ariz…
Dude, Where's My Discrimination? Jake Tapper Notes Lack of Discriminat
July 7th, 2010 8:17 AM
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their Operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. ---Thomas Jefferson, The United States Declaration of Independence.Oops! So what happened to all that discrimination and violation of civil rights that the Arizona immigration…
Arizona Writer Latest Journalist to Pass Through Media-Democrat Revolv
June 29th, 2010 5:07 PM
Investigative journalist John Dougherty of Arizona deserves a hand from everyone concerned with liberal media bias, because he has given it up. Dougherty, pictured right in a photo from his website, has, shall we say, crossed the border from being biassed to seeking the Democratic nomination for US Senate.In the late 80's he was involved with uncovering Charles Keating's use of campaign…
Once Again, 'Many Peaceful' = 'Some Violent' When It Comes to Leftist
June 28th, 2010 11:22 AM
Violent protesters set fire to police cars and shattered store-front windows at the Group of 20 economic summit in Toronto this weekend. How did the New York Times, so skittish about the hypothetical threat of non-existent Tea Party violence from the right, react to actual violence committed by political protesters by the left-wing and anarchist groups? With more snort-worthy apologias for left-…
On Networks, 'Controversial' Law Means Conservative Law
June 23rd, 2010 3:17 PM
Liberals may like to boast of fighting the establishment and taking on the status quo, but it's conservative laws that are 30 times more likely to be deemed "controversial" - at least by the mainstream media. In the past five years, when ABC, CBS, or NBC news reporters claimed a law was "controversial," they were most likely referring to legislation backed by the right. This analysis looked…
Is Illegal Immigration Raising Arizona's Crime Rate? NY Times Says No
June 22nd, 2010 4:04 PM
On Sunday, New York Times reporter Randal Archibold offered up more of his slanted reporting on Arizona's pending new immigration enforcement law, suggesting that supporters of tough immigration enforcement are fostering fear by exaggerating the problem of violent crime on the border with Mexico: "On Border Violence, Truth Pales Compared to Ideas." But does his evidence stand up? Two conservative…
Media Turn to Public Enemy's 'Chuck D' for Arizona Immigration Critiqu
June 22nd, 2010 10:04 AM
Where does a 1990s rap star fall on your list of immigration law experts? For the media the answer is: pretty high. Rapper "Chuck D," whose real name is Charles Ridenhour, has released a new single criticizing Arizona's controversial immigration law, which he says "brings racial profiling to a new low." In the song, "Tear Down That Wall," Chuck D compares Border Patrol agents to the Gestapo and…
ABC and NBC Describe Arizona Law as ‘Anti-Immigration’ and ‘Hars
June 21st, 2010 1:06 AM
Network anchors can’t resist misconstruing Arizona’s upcoming immigration enforcement law. The latest instances came Friday night when ABC and NBC caught up with news that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an interviewer in Ecuador that the Obama administration will sue to block the law. Diane Sawyer erroneously described the anti-illegal immigration measure as “Arizona's controversial new…
Media Hype Obama's H.S. Commencement Speech -- But Ignore That Student
June 9th, 2010 9:31 AM
In the middle of a typical Full House rerun on Teen Nick this morning, the network ran a 90-second promo for their website Get promoting Barack Obama, and how students at Kalamazoo Central High School were overjoyed and amazed to meet him. Students hugged and yelled and held their hands out like they'd never touch anything again after meeting Obama. [embedded Vimeo video at right via…
NYT's Nagourney Finds Yet More Reasons for GOP to Worry in 2010, This
June 7th, 2010 4:24 PM
Adam's alchemy: Former New York Times chief political correspondent Adam Nagourney has a gift for turning winning conservative issues into inconvenient political losers for Republicans. Nagourney is now based in California, but he packed his old biased habits, which were on display in Saturday's Times story "In California, Immigration Debate Defines the G.O.P. Race for Governor."Nagourney argued…
CNN's Obama Interview: LeBron, McCartney In; Sestak, Economy Out
June 4th, 2010 2:54 PM
CNN's Larry King completely left out the major topic of the White House's continuing obfuscation on the Sestak and Romanoff controversies and barely mentioned the economy during his interview of President Obama on Thursday. While King did ask extensively on the Gulf oil leak and touched on the Middle East and immigration, he also tossed softballs on LeBron James and the President singing with…