CNN's Cuomo Can't Name Anything Obama Did Comparing to Comey Firing

May 15th, 2017 3:57 PM
On the heels of the dreadful performance this morning on New Day Curtis Houck at NewsBusters observed earlier today, CNN's Chris Cuomo, apparently convinced that President Donald Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey is the scandal of the century, actually went to Twitter and asked: "For the sake of argument, what did Obama do that compares to comey firing in your opinion?"

'Female Genital Mutilation' a Too 'Culturally Loaded' Term at NY Times

April 24th, 2017 11:24 PM
Female genital mutilation (FGM) has unfortunately been in the news recently with the arrests of several people in Michigan allegedly involved in the practice. The World Health Organization has declared that FGM "is a violation of the human rights of girls and women." But, it has recently been learned, the New York Times won't use that term unless someone a reporter quotes uses it; otherwise, it's…

WashPost's Poster Child For Criticizing Trump White House: Susan Rice

March 22nd, 2017 6:25 PM
One would hope that the Washington Post, where the news masthead is "Democracy Dies in Darkness," and whose emails soliciting subscriptions tell recipients that "Democracy needs great journalism," searched far and wide for the most credible person they could possibly find to criticize the foreign-policy impact of how the Trump administration "twists the truth." Apparently, the best person they…

CBS Uses Teenage Refugees to Trash Trump for Temporary Travel Order

February 23rd, 2017 12:31 AM
To close out CBS Evening News Wednesday night, the network acted as though the White House’s rewrite of the President’s travel restrictions were to cut America off from the world. “What this refugee wants the president to know before he closes the door to America,” announced sit-in anchor Anthony Mason during the opening tease. CBS’s Mark Strassmann sat down with four teenage Somali refugees and…

CNN Boosts Liberal Actor's Fundraising Rebuke To Trump's 'Tyranny'

January 30th, 2017 1:03 PM
CNN's New Day on Monday trumpeted Kal Penn's online fundraiser for refugees, and gave him a platform to attack President Trump over his recent executive order on immigration. Penn underlined that "the Women's March was a great example of coming together and standing up against the, sort of, tyranny that we're experiencing right now." The former Obama administration official later cited how his…

NBC, CBS, CNN's Morning Shows Yawn At Church Bombing in Egypt

December 12th, 2016 1:12 PM
As of Monday morning, NBC's Today and CNN's New Day have yet to cover the deadly terrorist attack on a Coptic Christian church in Cairo, Egypt on Sunday. The NBC morning newscast's omission is particularly conspicuous, as Sunday's NBC Nightly News devoted a full report to the bombing. CBS's Sunday Morning gave the attack a one-sentence mention on December 11, 2016. However, CBS This Morning didn'…

Yahoo: 'Early Reports' of Gun at OSU 'Spur' Gun Control Talk

November 28th, 2016 6:10 PM
Despite the facts eventually showing on Monday morning that the Somali-born Ohio State University (OSU) student who mauled fellow Buckeyes with his car and a butcher’s knife, Yahoo! News breaking news reporter Caitlin Dickson felt it was worthwhile to still flaunt the issue of control and how the early reports that the assailant had a gun “spur[red]” a “look” at Ohio’s gun laws. 

Discrimination and Segregation

October 5th, 2016 1:16 PM
I was invited, along with several other American professors, to deliver lectures at South Africa's University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg in 1979. Pieter Willem Botha was the prime minister, and apartheid, though becoming a bit relaxed, was the law of the land. Under apartheid, intermarriage between blacks, coloureds and Indians on the one hand and whites was prohibited.

Cranky Matthews Badgers Loesch on 'You Folks' Attacking Hillary

September 28th, 2016 3:23 PM
The opening panel on the Tuesday edition of MSNBC’s Hardball briefly derailed from its scheduled topic of Monday’s presidential debate when host Chris Matthews lost his mind in relentlessly screaming at The Blaze host and conservative author Dana Loesch to explain “[w]hat was it that you folks think was the evil” Hillary Clinton committed concerning Benghazi.

ABC Notices Hillary's Deleted Benghazi E-Mails, NBC Still Censoring

August 31st, 2016 3:10 PM
On Wednesday's GMA, ABC finally covered the latest development on Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal. Paula Faris gave a news brief noting that "the Justice Department now says that up to 30 deleted e-mails from her private server could be related to the Benghazi attack." CBS This Morning mentioned the new revelation on the Clinton scandal during the lead-in for a report on the former senator's lack…

Nets Cover for Clinton, Ignore Discovery of 30 Benghazi E-mails

August 30th, 2016 10:44 PM
Hillary Clinton was caught in yet another lie about her e-mails Tuesday, following an announcement from the State Department that they discovered still more e-mails she failed to turn over. “And tonight, we have confirmation that at least some of the thousands of e-mails deleted and not turned over to the State Department dealt with the issue of Benghazi, Libya, clearly not falling into the…

Shameful Silence: Networks Have Ignored Christian Genocide

August 10th, 2016 11:59 AM
Christians in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia are suffering massive, sustained and very bloody persecution at the hands of Muslim extremists. The three broadcast networks are reluctant to report on it, let alone call the atrocity what it is (and what the Obama administration has admitted it is): genocide

Matthews Is Still ‘Wondering What’ Hillary Did Wrong in Benghazi

August 9th, 2016 10:00 PM
Reacting to Huffington Post reporter Laura Bassett highlighting during Tuesday’s Hardball that a Donald Trump advisor recently “called for Hillary to face a firing squad” for her handling of Benghazi in light of Trump’s new gun comments, MSNBC host Chris Matthews used the occasion to bloviate about how he “keep[s] wondering what she did in Benghazi” that has people so upset.

Daily Beast Columnist: Dubya Can Redeem Himself By Trashing Trump

July 13th, 2016 11:02 AM
In an Internet meme from President Obama’s first term, George W. Bush asked America, “Miss Me Yet?” Even though The Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky is a liberal, he does miss Dubya, after a fashion. In a Monday column, Tomasky called Bush “one of the worst presidents” ever but conceded that when he was POTUS, the Republican party was a mere “war-starting, economy-wrecking” outfit, while today’s GOP…