
Scarborough: Hunter Biden Scandal a 'Political Godsend' for Joe Biden

December 20th, 2019 11:21 AM
On Morning Joe. Joe Scarborough twice claims that the scandal surrounding Hunter Biden's influence-peddling gig with a Ukrainian company has been a political "godsend" for his father Joe.

NBC & ABC Hail Dems ‘Putting Principle Before Politics’ on Impeachment

December 17th, 2019 4:10 PM
On Tuesday, NBC’s Today show and ABC’s Good Morning America both worked to portray House Democrats backing impeachment as courageous politicians “putting principle before politics” rather than as partisans trying to appease the far left of their party.

Incoming NBCUniversal CEO Contributed $30,600 to Democrats

December 16th, 2019 11:41 AM
In the latest example of corporate media leftism, the parent company of NBC News — NBCUniversal (“NBCU”) — is set to place NBCU executive Jeff Shell as CEO of the entire company. Shell has given at least $30,600 exclusively to Democrats this election cycle. The Hollywood Reporter wrote Dec. 16, that Shell “will take over as CEO of NBCUniversal from Steve Burke.”

ABC, NBC Desperately Discount Dem Becoming GOPer from Impeachment

December 15th, 2019 12:26 PM
The Democratic Party and media crusade to impeach President Trump didn’t appear to be going well Sunday, as New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew was set to vote against the Articles of Impeachment and become a Republican in the process. ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today spent some of their mornings trying to convince the public it was no big deal. Yet, part of the…

Morning Joe on UK Election: 'Many Democrats Should be Scared to Death'

December 13th, 2019 9:07 AM
The morning after a huge electoral loss by the left, be it here or abroad, conservatives enjoy tuning into liberal networks to savor the collective weeping, gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments. But in the wake of Labour/Jeremy Corbyn's absolute demolition in yesterday's UK elections, Morning Joe, rather than donning sackcloth and ashes, offered  instead a dose of hard reality for Democrats…

'She Looks Astoundingly Good' -- WashPost Slobbers Over Valerie Plame

December 2nd, 2019 10:51 PM
In the second term of President George W. Bush, former CIA agent Valerie Plame was the darling of the anti-war Left, including the liberal media. In 2019, Plame is still a media darling, as demonstrated by a Monday puff piece in The Washington Post.  "Plame was hard to miss....She looks astoundingly good, at 56, as if the high-altitude desert air has preserved her skin since the day she arrived…

On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch Dinged for Calling Liz Warren Unlikable

November 27th, 2019 8:41 AM

For the feminist left, it's strictly verboten to call a woman candidate unlikable. Poor Donny Deutsch learned that lesson the hard way on today's Morning Joe. Commenting on Elizabeth Warren's precipitous poll drop, Deutsch attributed her problem not only to her unpopular plan to strip people of their private health insurance, but also to her "likability issue," noting her "high-school…


Telemundo disfraza encuesta dirigida a votantes latinas

November 22nd, 2019 11:54 AM
Las verdaderas intenciones detrás de un informe de Telemundo sobre cómo las latinas están "labrando el poder y la influencia" en la nación flotan a la superficie como un pez muerto- a saber: alinear este emergente y poderoso grupo demográfico con la agenda de "influencer" de izquierda en Comcast NBC NBC Universal.

Pol or Pro Wrestler? Cenk Uygur Wants to 'Rip Face Off' Republicans

November 21st, 2019 1:33 PM
Cenk Uygur, former MSNBC host and co-founder of the leftist YouTube channel The Young Turks, has announced his candidacy for the seat that Katie Hill resigned from in disgrace, the 25th Congressional District in California. One of his campaign promises that I'm sure he will be able to fulfill is to fight Republicans like "someone who's going to rip their face off." The Hollywood Reporter article…

Telemundo Whitewashes Study Targeting Latina Voters

November 21st, 2019 12:36 PM
The true intentions behind a Telemundo story on how Latinas are “harnessing power and influence” in the nation rise to the surface like a dead fish- to wit: aligning this up and coming, powerful demographic with the left-leaning “influencer” agenda at Comcast NBC Universal. 

MSNBC's Hayes Trashes Peter King as 'Notorious' 'Anti-Muslim' Bigot

November 12th, 2019 5:10 PM
MSNBC host Chris Hayes devoted the final segment of Monday’s All In to weighing in on the retirement of longtime Republican Congressman Peter King. In addition to portraying, Hayes King’s retirement as part of a large “red exodus” among House Republicans, Hayes attempted to characterize the retiring lawmaker as an “anti-Muslim” bigot.

Democrats Pressure Google, Facebook to Change Ad Policy

November 8th, 2019 2:31 PM
The left has been pressuring Big Tech companies to change their ad policies in preparation for the 2020 election. The Wall Street Journal reports that Google is considering following the footsteps of Twitter when it comes to changing its political ad policies.

Fonda Pleads to 'View': Only 11 Years Left, Vote for the Radical Left!

November 5th, 2019 2:27 PM
Liberal activist and actress Jane Fonda received the royal welcome on Tuesday’s The View by the equally fanatical hosts. Fonda was there to discuss her climate change activism which excited Joy Behar, as she tried to win the contest over who could be more hysterical about the state of the earth.

Univision’s Del Rio Calls for ‘Some Control’ of Social Media

November 1st, 2019 4:34 PM
Univision’s “Agenda Latina” is evergreen, and ever expanding beyond immigration. The network now appears to be joining efforts to impose censorship on social media. Check out the full post to see as correspondent Lourdes Del Río advocated for “some sort of control” of social media.