How Tina Fey’s Condescending ‘30 Rock’ Predicted Trump’s Rise

April 27th, 2019 1:30 PM
Tina Fey isn’t in the Sarah Palin business anymore. In fact, the former Saturday Night Live star would rather avoid political comedy entirely. It’s too ugly, too divisive. Fey may have ginned up headlines by impersonating the 2008 vice presidential candidate, but she’s rather make Netflix content these days. There’s another reason she’s not getting her hands dirty in the political muck, though.…

FLASHBACK: Matthews Smears Conservatives as the ‘Grand Wizard Crowd’

April 27th, 2019 12:15 PM
For all the talk in the liberal media about Donald Trump’s extreme tweets, you think there would be some humility on MSNBC. After all, that network is the home of Chris Matthews, a man who has been spewing the verbal equivalent of tweets since before the advent of Twitter. Seven years ago this past Tuesday, he blurted out a hateful comparison of conservatives and Republicans to the “grand wizard…

NYT's Stolberg: GOP 'Folds Up Big Tent,' All In on Trumpian Racism

November 8th, 2018 8:17 AM
New York Times Sheryl Gay Stolberg argued in a “news analysis” that “G.O.P. Folds Up the Big Tent and Unfurls Its Banner as the Party of Trump.” The online headline: “Two Years and Hundreds of Inflammatory Ads Later, the G.O.P. Is the Party of Trump.” Stolberg predictably found racist appeals from Republican presidential candidates going back to Ronald Reagan.

NYT Hypocrisy on Russia: Romney's 2012 Warnings 'Reckless...Unworthy'

July 20th, 2018 7:01 PM
The media is ready to convict President Trump of “treason” for his shaky summit in Helsinki with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and has been obsessed with Trump’s supposed “collusion” with Russia during the 2016 election campaign. But this new-found fear of all things Russia is more than a little politically expedient. The New York Times is just one outlet that dismissed the very idea of Russia…

Se acabó: Isaac Lee queda fuera de Univisión

July 18th, 2018 10:26 PM
Ha caído el arquitecto. La sacudida en Univisión continúa y le llegó la hora al director ejecutivo de Contenido, Isaac Lee, convirtiéndose así en la próxima salida de alto perfil en el asediado gigante mediático.

Time's Up: Isaac Lee Out at Univision

July 17th, 2018 5:17 PM
The architect has fallen. The shakeup at Univision continues apace, and Chief Content Officer Isaac Lee becomes the most recent high-level departure at the beleaguered media giant.

Comedian on Seinfeld Show: 'Nothing Liberal About Shutting Someone Up'

July 10th, 2018 7:00 AM
One might expect Jerry Seinfeld's latest edition of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, "2018: Freshly Brewed," on Netflix to get political, since comedians just can't seem to help themselves right now in jumping on the Trump bashing train, so I was pleasantly surprised to find the focus on funny instead of on politics. In fact, when guests tried to get political, Seinfeld quickly shut them down,…

NYT Hypocrites Hit GOP on Russia, Ignores Own Anti-Romney Slam in 2012

January 11th, 2018 5:44 PM
An editorial in Thursday’s New York Times made hay of a partisan Democratic report concerning alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election: “A Grave Warning on Russian Meddling.” The text box: “Senate Democrats issue the most comprehensive public analysis thus far of Moscow’s war on the West.” 

WashPost on Net Neutrality: Fake News vs Real Collusion

June 26th, 2017 1:21 PM
The Washington Post is a legacy, old school fake news outlet.  Aside from the New York Times, no newspaper carries more national clout.  Largely because of how much they forty-plus years ago made of a third-rate burglary by a Republican presidential campaign on its way to winning forty-nine states.  (Had Republicans not broken into the Democrats’ Watergate headquarters, they’d have won, what……

New Republic Writer Proposes a Lib-State ‘Bluexit’ From America

March 10th, 2017 11:30 AM
Separatist and secessionist talk has burgeoned in 21st-century America. The day after the 2004 presidential election, sulky liberals began circulating a map that represented pro-Kerry regions of the country as part of the “United States of Canada” and pro-Bush regions as “Jesusland.” Grouchy conservatives weren’t sure they belonged in a nation that elected and re-elected Barack Obama. Now comes…

AP Bitter That Boeing Plant Obama's NLRB Tried to Stop Didn't Go Union

February 16th, 2017 12:30 PM
Meg Kinnard at the Associated Press betrayed quite a bit of unhappiness Wednesday evening and Thursday morning in her coverage of workers' decisive rejection of a union organizing effort at Boeing Corp.'s 787-10 production plant in North Charleston, South Carolina. In two very similar reports found at the wire service's Big Story site, Kinnard solely blamed "Southern reluctance toward…

Nat Geo: Obama’s ‘Hope’ Thwarted by Tea Party ‘Extremists'

January 16th, 2017 4:51 PM
Sunday night, National Geographic Channel played a two hour special on President Obama called “The Price of Hope.” What was the “price” of “hope” exactly? Apparently Obama not getting his way 100% of the time because of those evil Tea Party Republicans in Congress,(or at least that’s how the documentary spins it.) The entire documentary sets up the President as some kind of untainted Savior who …

Joan Walsh: Trump, Dylann Roof Were Part of ‘Backlash’ to Obama

January 14th, 2017 1:46 PM
President Obama’s farewell address wasn’t ominous enough, believes The Nation’s Walsh. “It didn’t quite rise to the present danger,” wrote Walsh late Tuesday night, not long after Obama left the stage in Chicago. “Generally, he directed his mild criticism at all of us, not at the white backlash that elected [Donald] Trump.” In fact, the speech “could have been delivered even if Hillary Clinton…

Kantor Lauds Obama's ‘Above the Fray, Unifying, Nonpartisan Tone'

January 9th, 2017 1:06 PM
Fresh off her glowing column on Sunday polishing First Lady Michelle Obama’s apple, author and New York Times correspondent Jodi Kantor appeared on Monday’s CBS This Morning to similarly praise President Obama for being “a big believer in taking a kind of above the fray, unifying, nonpartisan tone.”