

Fox Biz’s Payne on DEI Defeat: ‘Shareholders Are Probably Ecstatic'

Tom Olohan

Did a Soros AG Celebrate Draconian Brazilian Censorship, Fines?

Tom Olohan

Podcast Host Steamrolls Corporate DEI ‘Attack Dogs’

Tom Olohan

Robby Starbuck on Fox Biz: Corporate DEI Programs 'Fall Like Dominoes'

Tom Olohan

Fox Correspondent Hails Major DEI Loss: That Was ‘Definitely’ Illegal

Tom Olohan

EXCLUSIVE: Economist Slams Media Praise for Biden’s Anemic Job Market

Joseph Vazquez

CNBC Host Shreds Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Fallacious,’ ‘Misleading’ Pitch

Tom Olohan

Krugman Flashback: Biden Created the 'Best Job Market In a Generation’

Joseph Vazquez

Gina Raimondo Cries to ABC: Trump Lying About Massive Biden Admin Jobs

Tom Olohan

This Is Really Bad: Soros Comrade Openly Rebukes Bidenomics

The former managing director at Soros Fund Management panned President Joe Biden’s management of the economy during a CNBC appearance. 

Tom Olohan

Is Soros Buying Universities’ Silence on Anti-Semitic Agitators?

First on MRC Business: George Soros’ Open Society Foundations sunk massive amounts of cash into several universities—most of which have been a breeding ground for radical anti-Israel students and whose administrations responded poorly to protestors, agitators and rioters trespassing, breaking into and occupying buildings and harassing Jewish students.

Tom Olohan

Matt Walsh Bashes ‘Evil’ Debunked McKinsey Studies

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh reported on the immense damage caused by a recently discredited report used by many corporations to justify discriminatory Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. 

Tom Olohan

Big Three Networks Turn Blind Eye to Biden Cabinet Member Bombshell

After a brutal hearing exposed connections between activist groups and a Biden cabinet official, all three major networks ignored the revelations in their coverage. 

Tom Olohan

Columbia U. Pres Sides with Hamas Protestors Says Schneider on Newsmax

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider made clear that Columbia University’s limp-wristed response to protestors is a choice to surrender to the pro-Hamas mob. 

Tom Olohan

NY Post Exposes Campus Activists Trained by Soros-Funded Group

The New York Post has unearthed some important information about some of the anti-Semitic pro-Hamas campus protests across the nation. 

Tom Olohan

CNN Gloats Over Anti-Energy Rule: ‘Signals the End of Coal’ in US

The left’s cheerleaders at CNN had only good things to say about President Joe Biden’s latest anti-energy power grab. 

Tom Olohan

Marc Morano Calls Out Biden for Hamstringing American Energy

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano spoke out against President Joe Biden’s decisions to slow down American energy production while potentially easing energy sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Tom Olohan

NYT Ignores Soros-Funded Group Pushing Biden to Sanction IDF Unit

Yet another Soros-funded group just got caught trying to drive a wedge into the American-Israeli alliance, but The New York Times didn’t find any space to mention it in a news report. 

Tom Olohan

CNN Honors Earth Day with Theatrical Letter Full of Climate Alarmism

CNN once again exposed that it is in fact an activist organization masquerading as a news outlet with a sappy piece on the “climate crisis.”

Christian Baldwin

MRC, Bozell Petition FCC Not to Create a ‘Special Soros Shortcut’

The Media Research Center wants the Federal Communications Commission to know: “The Communications Act does not contain a special Soros shortcut.”

Today, the Media Research Center (MRC) and its president, Brent Bozell, filed a formal petition to the Federal Communication…

MRC Staff

‘Resign’: Hawley Bashes Infamous Biden Cabinet Official over Scandal

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) called for Biden administration Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to resign following a testy Senate hearing. 

Tom Olohan

Meet the Familiar Face Behind Viral Anti-Israeli Protest Inside Google

First on MRC Business: A vicious anti-Israel group that occupied Google until their arrests was created by two organizations that Soros poured massive amounts of money into. 

Tom Olohan

Kevin O’Leary: The More Biden ‘Taxes, the Less Growth There Will Be’

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka “Mr. Wonderful” panned President Joe Biden’s new tax plan, suggesting that the president would damage the country in the same way that many Democrats have broken their states. 

Tom Olohan