Daily Kos Week in Review: Shooting an Elephant

February 22nd, 2013 10:53 PM

Kossacks are rarely short of hostility and condescension for Republicans, but their blasts at the Grand Old Party and its members seemed especially abundant this past week.
As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

MinistryOfTruth: The GOP is stupid and crazy...
...Republicans have lost their fucking minds, and their attempts to explain why we should stick with the juvenile, simple minded self serving economic bullshit dreamed up by an eleven year old Grover Norquist in his bubble bath only make sense if you are fucking stupid. The kind of people who like Sarah Palin and buy Glenn Beck's books kind of stupid...
The problem with being a party for ignorant paranoid white people who are addicted to magical thinking and reject facts, science and even common sense is that at some point all you are left with are ignorant paranoid white people who are addicted to magical thinking and reject facts, science and even common sense...
brooklynbadboy: ...racist and sexist...

...The GOP is THE party of bigots...

1. Tax cuts aren't about the free market, individual initiative, blah blah blah. It is about the Republican white man not wanting to give any money to unfortunate minorities.

2. Strong national defense isn't about protecting America from enemies from god knows where. It is purely about suppressing everyone else so that the Republican white man can remain top dog in the world.

3. "Pro-Life" most certainly isn't about everyone's life. It is about the life of the Republican white man to control everyone else's. Especially white women...

bunsk: ...depraved...

Republicans are crooks and liars....

...Their ideologies must be imposed because they’re harmful and universally unpopular...

Fortunately for them, all the popular media outlets are owned by people who support the Republican efforts. Once in a while, though, information gets on TV that reflects badly on Republicans for some reason. (That’s what’s known as “liberal media bias”)...

Kos: ...divided...
...[T]here's the GOP's escalating civil war between the party's crazy wing and its even crazier wing...[B]y the time the dust settles on Election Night 2014, that civil war will have cost Republicans at least one, probably more Senate seats. And with Republicans already fretting about a possible Rand Paul independent presidential bid in 2014 [sic], don't expect a truce any time in the near future—not when one side is as ideologically rigid and uncompromising as the hardest Al Qaida elements... 
healthy: ...and dead

...What is a young Republican to do? And what are they if not a misguided rarity in the party of old white men? The GOP is already obsolete. They just don't know it. That's how out of touch they are. Their appeal is only for the hate mongers like Limbaugh and the stupid like Perry and the nuts who think Obama is the Muslim born in Kenya. Reality is catching up with many of them and when all the veneer of civility has finally been eroded and that last Republican with a brain can see the emperor has no clothes, the GOP will be known as Zombieland!...

...They are the party of the past. Dead. When you see people who show signs of life within the GOP, remember those horror movies that make fun of the walking dead.