Daily Kos Week in Review: Common Dreams

May 15th, 2011 11:12 PM

And now, this week's news from Lake Kosbegon, where Osama bin Laden sounded like a GOP campaign strategist, conservatives were hypersensitive, hysterical "dumbasses," and fetuses were likened to burglars.

As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Deoliver47: Critics of the Common invitation are segregationists...

...This teahadist tempest is simply another furor fingering the POTUS and the First Lady as besmirchers of the purity of a white house that is from their perspective only supposed to have white inhabitants.  Yet another "othering" of us. 
How does their perspective differ from the DAR  ban on Marian Anderson in 1939?  It doesn't...

LaurenMonica: ...and hypocrites

...Where was their outrage when Bush invited Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh (well known racists) at the White House?
I guess President Barack Obama killing Osama Ben Laden made them lose their minds (ok they were already crazy)... 

Adept2u: OBL was the 21st-century Lee Atwater 

...Osama Bin Laden had a race based equivalent to the Republican's Southern Strategy... 
...We saw from one of the tapes he was an avid TV watcher, so could he have been watching in that final week confirmation of his strategy as he observed Donald Trump leap to the head of the Republican field running on birther racism.
Was he was watching the US House of Representatives investigate Muslims in this country and thought, all I have to get is one fool Black American to blow up one thing full of people.  Let him be a recent convert, and Barack Obama is toast and a wave of draconian make Arizona’s SB1040 look like a welcome mat, and hello President Citizens United sweeps across the Great Satan of America... 

Kaili Joy Gray: Republicans are thin-skinned...
...Don't you just love how Republicans are all about freedom of speech when it comes to campaign donations from corporations, or questioning whether the president is a real American citizen, or terrorizing women outside health clinics, but when it comes to criticism directed at them, all of a sudden, Americans "need to watch what they say, watch what they do," and not "manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite...hatred and violence"...
David Waldman: ...and can't handle complexity
...Republicans...are constantly campaigning on the idea that there are easy, cut-and-dried, black-and-white solutions to everything. On the stump, it's all about how they're "just gonna repeal" whatever it is they don't like. And yet, there's virtually nothing they hate that they've been able to simply repeal in one stroke. Because the world is complicated, and nuance is real, you dumbasses...

 Ginmar: Conservatives are invincibly ignorant...
...[T]his stuff, all this stuff, is what certain people want to believe. They can't be educated, they can't be informed, they can't be enlightened. They don't want that. They want to live in a world where torture is justified, where Muslims are strange furriners, where women who have abortions are slutty sluts (*bitter sarcasm button on, because that's what they always imply), and where if you put in public transportation (You know, all that light rail and stuff) then minorities will come to your house in the burbs and steal all your stuff. This is really the way they think.  Their fears justify their hatred. They like hating. The like fear. They like all this negativity. What can you do with people like that?...
 Leftwing Noise Machine: ...but they do have a talent for storytelling
...[T]he Rightwing Noise Machine has a narrative: the Big Gummit shtick in which “government is the problem” including [fill in the blank here with every challenge every working person faces]. And the GOP is the bulwark against this looming Voldemort...It’s a poorly written storyline, I grant you that, and it makes about as much sense as the business plan of the Underwear Gnomes in South Park. But it’s a narrative, and people can follow it, and that’s what counts...

Beket: The modern abortion inquisition exposed
I am a proud, even defiant, abortion provider...[I]t is not that I love embryos and fetuses less, but that I love women and teenage girls more – although I must confess that I really have no love, nor any feeling at all, for insentient embryos and fetuses in the wombs of women and teenage girls who do not want them there...
These belief-driven, thoroughly propagandized religious extremists who call themselves "pro-life," possess...little if any more compassion for real living, breathing, thinking, feeling women and real living, breathing, thinking, feeling teenage girls living their real lives than was expressed by the Roman Catholic inquisitors of long ago who regularly, proudly, piously, and publicly tortured and hanged or burned alive real living, breathing, thinking, feeling women and real living, breathing, thinking, feeling teenage girls (and men and boys) living their real lives for such "sins" or "crimes against God" of "witchcraft" and "heresy"...