Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty tweeted on Tuesday morning: “Once again, NY Daily News (Remember “Cry Baby”?) goes for the iconic #shutdown cover.” As in 1995, the Daily News is mudslinging at a GOP House Speaker during a shutdown.
“HOUSE OF TURDS,” said the cover, as Speaker John Boehner seems to sit in Abe’s chair at the Lincoln Memorial with something dark dripping from his hands. Blood? Feces? The caption over this “photo illustration” slammed Boehner and the Tea Party:
“House Speaker John Boehner and the Tea Party faction that he can’t seem to control have nothing on Kevin Spacey’s diabolical ‘House of Cards’ character, as the GOP holds the country hostage.”
The Daily News is valiantly trying to disprove the notion that New York is America’s capital of sophistication. Their liberalism is so childish they keep reverting to babies and poop for their shutdown summary. Perhaps they used a focus-group of fourth graders to help with cover concepts.The November 16, 1995, cover of the Daily News carried a cover with a cartoon of crabby Newt Gingrich in diapers, with the headline “CRY BABY: Newt's Tantrum: He closed down the government because Clinton made him sit at back of plane.” The networks loved that image in mocking Gingrich on their "objective" newscasts back then, and reporters like NBC's Lisa Myers regurgitated the attack when Gingrich began running for president in 2011.
Myers explained: “Gingrich generated this headline, after suggesting that he shut down the government because the President made him sit in the back on Air Force One.”
The Daily News was delighted that Newt-haters were brandishing the image at Gingrich events: “As Newt Gingrich stepped into the Barley House pub opposite the State Capitol to meet Republican lawmakers on Wednesday, a protester held a blowup of a famous cartoon portraying him in diapers as a ‘crybaby.”
The News arrogantly remembered that fusillade (the cover and Lars-Erik Nelson’s attack on Gingrich) during the 2012 primaries as somehow not editorializing: “No wonkery here that passes for analysis; no polemics that pass for opinion; every word carries its appropriate weight, no more or less.”
The paper remembered Nelson fondly as "a public intellectual not unlike the recently departed Christopher Hitchens who wrote about politics but was eternally suspicious of it, and whose wit was not to so much a rapier as it was a Predator drone when it came to demolishing hypocrites, moralizers and blowhards."
UDPATE: A reader at JimRomenesko.com wrote "On that Daily News cover, maybe they borrowed a bit from this [image on the left], put out by Dems on the House Rules Comm a week or so back? Hmmm?"