Joy Behar: Strong, Independent Women Are Naturally Liberal

May 27th, 2010 5:04 PM
On Thursday's edition of "The View," Joy Behar and her mostly left-wing co-hosts attempted to associate a strong, independent woman with liberalism. The occasion, actress Rachel Weisz appeared on the program to promote her new role in the upcoming movie "Agora."

The film is set in Roman Egypt during the fourth century and focuses on the life of Hypatia, a female philosopher and scholar. Behar insisted the character must have been a "liberal."

During the exchange, Weisz began discussing her role as Hypatia and how her character, “believed in having the people from different backgrounds with different political views, rather like you ladies sitting here.” Immediately following this assertion, Joy Behar announced, “Oh, so she was liberal” and “bipartisan.”

Since obviously the leap is automatically assumed, co-host Sherri Shepherd jumped in the discussion adding, “She was very inclusive,” followed by Whoopi Goldberg: “That's the word, respectful of other people's thinking.”

The segment concluded shortly after conservative co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck protested that her colleagues would want to make the ancient philosopher out to be "a liberal."