Michael Avenatti Tosses Cold Water on Bragg Indictment of Trump

March 23rd, 2023 2:10 PM

Remember Michael Avenatti? Five years ago the media wouldn't let you forget him since from early 2018 until February 2019 the former lawyer for Stormy Daniels was a ubiquitous presence on the news to the extent of 254 television appearances during that time frame including 122 times on CNN and 108 times on MSNBC. 

You would not expect Avenatti to appear nowadays on television due to being sentenced to prison for 14 years with Terminal Island Federal Correctional Institution as his current abode. But none of that has dimmed his ego as a pundit and what he tweeted about Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's possible indictment of Donald Trump (which has yet to happen) in a case involving his former client might have been considered newsworthy at one time.

Avenatti -- no longer touted as presidential timber -- thinks Alvin Bragg's case is weak to the point of hopeless. Yet despite a series of tweets posted since late January, the same news media that overhyped Avenatti in 2018 now almost complete ignores him probably because what he tweeted just does not fit the narrative they are now promoting.


That was just the start of Avenatti tossing cold water on the possible indictment of Trump by Bragg. A little over a week later came another red hot tweet by the former media darling.

Finally, on Saint Patrick's Day, Avenatti brought out his latest couple of tweets which were brutal to the prosecution hopes for Bragg's case.


Most likely you read here for the first time this analysis by Avenatti about what a weak case Bragg has. Why? Because the mainstream media which formerly couldn't hype Avenatti enough are now shunning him because his analysis acts as a buzzkill to their excitement over a possible Trump indictment.