CBS's Nancy Giles Scolds Women's Groups for Giving Bill Clinton a Pass on Lewinsky Scandal

January 23rd, 2012 12:04 AM

CBS's Nancy Giles on Sunday scolded women's groups for giving former President Bill Clinton a pass for his transgressions with White House aide Monica Lewinsky.

This strangely came during a Sunday Morning piece about Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's troubles with the media over his own marital infidelity (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NANCY GILES: Of course, Democrats do it, too, sometimes in bigger, splashier ways. President Bill Clinton was considered a champion of women's rights, with a marriage that seemed to be a meeting of equals. Yet in private, he was chasing tail, which led to his impeachment for lying under oath about the Monica Lewinsky affair.

He's still highly thought of by some women's groups, and frankly I've never figured that out.

You've never figured that out, Nancy?

Well, maybe it's because if women's groups had come down on Clinton, it would have been impossible for liberal media members like you to support him during the impeachment proceedings.

That wasn't so tough, was it?

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