Was Alina Cho flirting with Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) on CNN Monday?
While discussing the Super Committee's failure on American Morning, Cho oddly said to her guest, "Just yesterday on Meet the Press you said there were things you agreed to that you didn't want to talk about public, which sounded very sexy I might add" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
ALINA CHO, ANCHOR: Senator Kerry, I'm not sure if you heard your Republican colleague Jon Kyl just a moment ago on CNN.
CHO: He say basically that Democrats would not agree to any more cuts to the federal budget without raising taxes. So what do you say to that?
KERRY: Well, what I say to that is we had three major commissions and the gang of six, which is made up of Republican and Democratic senators alike. The Simpson-Bowles commission, the Rivlin Domenici commission, the gang of six, all of them recommended that you have to try to achieve a $4 trillion reduction in the deficit just to stabilize it, and that that ought to be split. Every one of them recommended $2 trillion of revenue.
All we are asking now from these guys is about 350 billion. 350 versus 2 trillion. And they say, no, because they want the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans extended. So the whole deal is really being held hostage to this idea that the wealthiest people in America ought to get a bigger tax cut while everybody else chips in. I don't think anybody in America thinks that's fair.
CHO: Senator Kerry, just yesterday on Meet the Press you said there were things you agreed to that you didn't want to talk about public, which sounded very sexy I might add. People want to know, what were the concessions? And would it have been enough to strike a deal here?
Kerry? Sounded very sexy?
After Dan Lothian's embarrassing question to President Obama last Sunday regarding GOP candidates being "uninformed, out of touch, or irresponsible," is there now a contest at CNN to see who can suck-up the most to a Democrat?
(H/T NB reader Ray Rodda)