Bill and Hillary's Unfavorable Ratings Skyrocket, Media Mostly Mum

April 20th, 2008 4:46 PM

On Wednesday, the Washington Post reported results of a new poll it undertook with ABC News wherein Hillary Clinton's unfavorable rating skyrocketed to its highest point ever.

In the same poll, her husband Bill's unfavorable rating rose above 50 percent for the first time since August 1998 when he was embroiled in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Although some media outlets other than the Post did report this news, given the ongoing Democrat presidential campaign, and the elections less than seven months away, this clearly didn't get the kind of attention one would have expected.

First, the details as reported by the Post:

While Clinton retains a big edge over Obama on experience, public impressions of her have taken a sharply negative turn. Today, more Americans have an unfavorable view of her than at any time since The Post and ABC began asking the question, in 1992. Impressions of her husband, former president Bill Clinton, also have grown negative by a small margin.

In the new poll, 54 percent said they have an unfavorable view of Sen. Clinton, up from 40 percent a few days after she won the New Hampshire primary in early January. Her favorability rating has dropped among both Democrats and independents over the past three months, although her overall such rating among Democrats remains high. Nearly six in 10 independents now view her unfavorably.

Although it referred to Bill's unfavorables, even the Post ignored the specifics from the actual poll showing that this number now stands at 51 percent. Since the Post began charting this statistic, there has only be one other time that Bill's unfavorables topped 50 percent, as previously reported.

Despite the alarming numbers, a LexisNexis search indicated that of the major American newspapers, only the Houston Chronicle and the Kansas City Star reported the Clintons' unfavorable ratings.

On the television side, only ABC News gave this very much attention, which isn't surprising given its involvement. By contrast, NBC News only reported this during Thursday's "Today" show, while CBS completely ignored it.

On the cable side, CNN addressed this issue only once on Wednesday during the 4PM installment of the "Situation Room." For its part, MSNBC completely ignored it.

Not surprisingly, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann did report some of the poll's findings to his viewers on Tuesday -- those relating to the public's view of how President Bush is handling the economy.

What a shock, huh?