ABC Huffs Biden’s Drop Out Will ‘Be Used By Republicans’ Against Dems

July 21st, 2024 4:02 PM

President Biden was finally cogent enough to read the writing on the all on Sunday and announced via X that he was going to “stand down” from his bid for reelection. But will over 14 million Democratic Party primary votes already cast in his favor, and more than enough delegates to be named the nominee, what about democracy? Well, during ABC’s Special Report covering the breaking news, chief Washington Correspondent Jon Karl huffed that Republicans were gearing up to take the Democratic Party to court to protect the voters and their rights.

“Well, you have two things that you're going to have now in terms of blowback from the Republicans,” Karl announced. He then put on something of a mocking voice and seemed to rhetorically scoff at the idea of defending voters rights:

‘This would be anti-democratic. This would be in defiance of democracy, that, you know, the idea that, he's won the primary, he's won 14 million votes And now the Democrats are going to, you know, if they try to switch him out, we will challenge that. Those voters had a right.’

“So, you know, the whether those legal challenges will succeed are highly uncertain,” he added.

He went on the whine: “But they will go and they will try to do this in state after state to try to keep the new Democratic nominee, whether it's Kamala Harris or whoever it is, off the ballot saying that it was Joe Biden's name that should be on the ballot because it was Joe Biden that won those primaries.”



Karl then warned that Republicans were going to argue that since Biden’s condition has kept him from running and trying to serve for four more years, it meant Biden shouldn’t be president in the here and now:

But the other thing you're going to see happening, and you're already seeing happening is, Republicans are going to come out and they're going to say, ‘Joe Biden is saying that he is unable to campaign, to go forward with a presidential campaign. How can he go forward with being president of the United States?’

And you are seeing the demands already from Republicans that he resign, resign as president because how can you continue as the commander in chief if you are – this is the argument, how can you continue as commander in chief if you can't continue as a candidate?

“Now, Biden has made it very clear in his – in his letter announcing he wasn't going to be running again, that he fully intends to complete his term and concentrate on all the work that he has to do as president. He's simply getting out as the candidate,” he argued. “But this is going to be something that is absolutely going to be used by Republicans.”

Karl also expressed displeasure with future Republicans would make, which called out Vice President Harris for not disclosing Biden’s severe cognitive decline to the American people:

And by the way, I'll add I'll add one other, Rachel, and you've heard this as well, if Kamala Harris is the nominee and with Biden's endorsement, it sure seems like she will be the nominee for president, you will hear the argument that is made, ‘Well, why didn't you tell us how, how much Biden, how much the president had declined?’ They will portray her as part of essentially a cover-up of the president's declining, mental acuity and how age had taken its toll.

Meanwhile, the liberal media were demanding the 25th Amendment to be used on Trump after the 2020 election (even before it).