In addition to being known as the Vice President of the United States and his penchant for putting his foot in his mouth, Joe Biden is also known for doing a cameo on a TV show. He played himself as the man-crush of the local politician on the NBC comedy show Parks and Recreation and is now taking on a more seriously role – still playing himself on NBC’s Law & Order: SVU. It’s hard to imagine Biden as anything but serious, so maybe he really will be acting this time around.
Mediaite’s Lindsey Ellefson seems to be having a field day with this little bit of news, actually, a little too excited:
Vice President Joe Biden is a funny character and now, he’ll be playing one! We’ve already reviewed how his unlikely millennial fan base has rocketed him to meme status with online adoration, but his upcoming appearance on the classic in the making, Law & Order: SVU, is about to certify him as Internet gold.
As if millennials watch a show that’s been around almost as long as they have. Ellefson gushed:
This appearance isn’t just to raise his star a little bit higher, though. Today, Biden is taping an episode about backlogged rape kits, according to CBS New York, which fits in with his chosen initiatives from the past few years. You’ll recall that he is a staunch advocate for sexual assault victims. Moreover, he’s even worked with SVU star Mariska Hargitay on the rape kit issue in the past! If you watched his DNC speech this past week, you’ll know that Hargitay was the one who narrated the video that played beforehand. Clearly, this is the next logical step for two public figures determined to help victims of violence against women.
We don’t know when the episode will air, but we will let you know when we do. We can all watch together!
(Like, OMG that would be totes cool!)
There once was a time when Presidents and Vice Presidents were seen as just that – politicians in high positions of power, and wouldn’t be caught dead on a comedy show or television show because it was seen as sign of disrespect. However, since the age of Obama and Biden, they’d rather be seen as “cool,” and have no problem lowering the standard.