Shut up, Joe Scarborough explained. That was the Morning Joe host's advice today to people in Topeka, Kansas who are concerned that First Lady Michelle Obama's visit to the city's joint high school graduation ceremony will limit seating for family members and take the spotlight off the graduates themselves.
The man who makes his living offering his opinions and expressing his concerns instructed Kansans to "keep those concerns to yourself." Adding insult to injury, Scarborough called the Kansans' concerns "asinine." View the video after the jump.
If Scarborough wants to make the case for the First Lady's visit, that's certainly his right. But in doing so does he have to insult those who have a different opinion? Would Scarborough have been so quick to tell parents and students in, say, Washington, DC to keep quiet, and have called them "asinine," if 10 years ago they had opposed a graduation speech by Laura Bush?
JOE SCARBOROUGH: In the Washington Post, high school students and their families are protesting Michelle Obama's involvement in some Kansas graduation ceremonies. There are now concerns for the First Lady's participation stealing the spotlight from the kids and limiting the amount of seats available for family members. The speech is tied to the 60st anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision on Brown v. Board of Education, which ended school segregation --
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Wow, that's lame.
SCARBOROUGH: -- and I have got to say if you have the opportunity to have the First Lady of the United States come out and speak at your high school graduation, keep those concerns to yourself. That is asinine.