It's one thing for Al Sharpton to spout racialized politics on his MSNBC show every evening. It's even another when one of his guests attacks Mitt Romney with the lamest of Rosa Parks/racism analogies.
But when MSNBC itself produces a promo featuring Sharpton lumping Republican tax policy with the racism that kept blacks in the back of the bus and denied women the vote, the network has taken a very ugly turn. Yet that's just what the latest "Lean Forward" Sharpton promo does. Video after the jump.
Watch Sharpton drag himself and MSNBC down.
AL SHARPTON: They give tax cuts and loopholes to the rich, and they act like it's acceptable saying by-and-by, it'll trickle down to you. It's not acceptable to us. It was a time it was acceptable women couldn't vote and blacks were in the back of the bus. A lot of things were acceptable--until we stopped accepting it.