Call him Howie "The Hawk" Dean . . .
Last evening we detailed Cenk Uygur's hypocrisy in supporting military action in Libya. This morning brings news of another liberal nouveau-hawk: Howard Dean. The man who was a scream away from winning the 2004 Dem presidential nomination based on his opposition to the Iraq war suddenly supports a muscular foreign policy. On Morning Joe, Dean told Joe Klein (who is surprisingly skeptical about President Obama's Libya policy):
"I don't think you stay out of these things. You can't if you're the most powerful country in the world . . . You have to take chances."
View video after the jump.
Watch the video and consider how having a Dem in the White House has apparently turned Howard from dove to hawk.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Howard Dean, what's your response to the president's actions in Libya?
HOWARD DEAN: I think he's done the right thing. It's easy to criticize in hindsight.
And later, clashing with Klein.
DEAN: When somebody comes in and has a revolution you don't get to say, as the United States of America, when they have their elections.
JOE KLEIN: All the more reason for us to stay out of them.
DEAN: I don't think you stay out of these things. You can't if you're the most powerful country in the world . . . You have to take chances.
KLEIN: That's not what you were saying in 2003!
DEAN: That's because we were lied to about what we were doing . . . we were lied to about the WMD.
KLEIN: We had the same situation as we do now, which is insufficent information.