Paging Paris Hilton: Ahmadinejad Looking for 'New Ways to Love'

February 13th, 2007 8:30 AM

Should Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ever make it to America, he will feel right at home in the faculty lounges of America's universities and the executive suites of the MSM. For this morning, he gave the Iranian version of a slogan near and dear to the hearts of the aging campus activists of the 60s and 70s who are to be found there: Make Love Not War!

In segments broadcast on today's Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer continued her interview of Ahmadinejad. Quizzed by Sawyer about his country's nuclear ambitions, he replied:

"We believe that the time is now over for nuclear weapons. It's a time for logic, for rationality and for civilization. Instead of thinking of finding new weapons, we are trying to find new ways to love people."

Right on, Mahmoud! Let me to introduce you to Ms. Hilton, here -- she may have some ideas.

View video here. Be sure to check out Diane's eyebrow raise when that wild 'n crazy Mahmoud mentions his hunt for new ways to love.

Speaking of liberated women, Ahmadinejad said something yesterday that should arise the ire of America's feminists. Sawyer explained that at the end of yesterday's interview, Mahmoud complained:

"Your questions are combative. Women should not be asking tough questions about war. Women should ask about love, culture and family."

Will Ahmadinejad's male chauvinist-pigism be enough to turn America's feminist left against him? Or will they overlook that minor foible in the person of a fellow Bush hater? They were able to overlook a lot more when it came to Bill Clinton, after all.

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