On Thursday’s CBS Early Show fill-in co-host Priya David offered a news brief congratulating CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric on a recent award for the broadcast: "And we at CBS News are pleased to report that our own Katie Couric has received the coveted Walter Cronkite Award for excellence in television political journalism. At a ceremony last night, Katie was cited for her coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign, from the Iowa caucuses through election night, on the CBS Evening News and in prime-time."
David went on to remark that: "You know, her interviews with Sarah Palin were really something that stood out in this campaign." Co-host Maggie Rodriguez added that the interview was "Game-changing." On March 14, NewsBusters’ Noel Sheppard reported that the Palin interview was a key factor in Couric receiving the award.
After David’s and Rodriguez’s comments, co-host Harry Smith chimed in: "Well, I think all -- by and large -- all of the coverage on the Evening News, they devoted more time night, by night, by night, remember all those presidential questions for all of those candidates, all of those minutes that I think they really performed an important public service." David added: "Well deserved, Katie."