FNC's Shep Smith Scolds Thune on Health Care: 'We're Gonna Lose' and 'Get Nothing' Thanks to GOP

February 25th, 2010 4:53 PM
Taking a break from ongoing coverage of today's Blair House health care summit around 3:15 p.m. EST today, Fox News Channel's Shep Smith scolded Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) and congressional Republicans for impeding passage of the Democratic health care agenda (video embedded at right; audio available here):


Why do Republicans want to throw this thing out and start over, senator? Why do they want to do that? Nobody buys that!


Can't we just say, "Look, we [sic] got to do something in this country. This is going to bankrupt us!" And you people up there who are supposed to be representing us are making it perfectly clear, you are going to sit in your corners with your own talking points and we're going to lose! We're going to get nothing. And it's clear we're not.

So when this is over, the president will be able to say, "I tried, we couldn't get anything done, here comes reconciliation." Fifty-one votes, and away we go. Then we got a real mess on our hands, and everybody is just mad at everybody else as the country falls apart. It just doesn't seem fair!

Thune calmly retorted, without missing a beat:

Well, if that bill becomes law, that would be true.  It would be a real mess, and that's what we're trying to avoid.