United For Life: Even The Woke March For The Unborn | MRCTV On The Street

January 28th, 2025 11:28 AM

Who would’ve thought some of the most staunch pro-life activists are pink haired Leftists, decked out in alphabet flags and BLM regalia?

I arrived at the 52nd annual March for Life thinking the loud rainbow crowd chanting in megaphones were there to harass the hundreds to thousands of Americans marching through the chilly streets of D.C. for lives of the unborn. I was surprised how polite they turned out to be - THEN I realized they too were marching for life.

And despite this crowd of pro-life progressives telling me how much they support every other Lefty cause, the underwhelming mob of “fellow” leftists who were actually protesting marchers, were just as vile toward them as they are toward conservatives. 

While the pro-aborts hissed and screamed, the Pro-Life marchers, both on the Right and Left proved that protecting the sanctity of life goes far beyond politics. Marching for the unborn isn't just a conservative or liberal issue, it's a human issue, and one that can speak to people from all walks of life.