Even The Media Seem Shocked at Kamala Harris’s Media-Abetted Fortunes

September 22nd, 2024 8:00 PM

The Regime Media, over the course of the past several weeks, have aided and abetted the Kamala Harris candidacy by enabling her refusal to engage in interviews, town halls, or anything that might put her at risk of facing a tough question. And even they seem stunned at the rate to which this strategy has paid off.

Watch this portion of the panel discussion at NBC’s Meet the Press, and listen to Kristen Welker’s joyful astonishment:



10:37 AM

KRISTEN WELKER: One of the other big headlines is that Harris is up by nine points when we asked, “Who is the change candidate?” She is currently in The White House! She’s the current Vice President and she’s…

AMY WALTER: So it's extraordinary that she's made this argument. 

WELKER: What's behind that and what are your key takeaways… (unint)?

WALTER: My key takeaways is that she's been able to change this from a race that was a referendum on Joe Biden to a race that is a referendum on Donald Trump. And what's remarkable to me beyond the favorable numbers: when you look at the questions of “Who do you think can serve as Commander-in-Chief?” “Who do you think will be capable and effective?” She has not only been able to not just move into the positive column there, but she’s- on the issue of “competent and effective”, she’s seen- she’s moved 23 points from where Biden was. I mean, this was a big advantage for Trump going into the election when Biden was the nominee.  

The poll in question is the most recent NBC News poll, which shows Harris ahead and the web article of which NBC has helpfully titled Poll: Newly popular Harris builds momentum, challenging Trump for the mantle of change. Harris shows an advantage on the change candidacy, Commander-in-Chief, competence, and right direction questions but lags on immigration, the economy, crime, and inflation.

The media essentially went with Harris’s remaking of the campaign into a change candidacy, the campaign’s “Plexiglass Basement” strategy wherein Harris is visible but inaccessible, and Harris’s refusal to undergo a meaningful interview or press conference. Now, just weeks from the election, the media exult over the strategy’s success. Welker could barely contain herself!

For the rest of us, what we have before us is yet another instance of media interference, via willful misfeasance, in a presidential election.