The Regime Media Remain SILENT As Violent Migrant Gang Overwhelms Aurora, Colorado

August 29th, 2024 12:03 PM

If a violent transnational gang coming over the border and overrunning a Denver suburb doesn’t get covered in the national news media, did it really happen at all? This appears to be the underlying calculus of the Regime Media’s outright refusal to cover a story that is critically adverse to the electoral prospects of Vice President Kamala Harris.  

Per Fox News:

Although Denver's suburbs don't share its sanctuary city policies, the influx of migrants into the Mile High City has spilled outward. Now, its neighbors are facing an unprecedented wave of activity from a notorious Venezuelan prison gang. 

Officials from Aurora, about nine miles east of Denver, told Fox News Digital the Tren de Aragua gang has gained a strong foothold in their city, commandeering apartment complexes and drumming up violent crime and sex trafficking. 

"We currently have entire complexes under gang control — complexes where staff have been beaten up, they've been threatened, their families have been threatened [and] complexes where there are no staff left on the property," Aurora City Council Member Danielle Jurinsky said. "These complexes are being run by this Tren de Aragua gang.

Tren de Aragua has become something of a household name as of late, with a history of criming all over the nation including, most notoriously, the murder of University of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley. But the taking of Aurora, or significant parts of the city including entire apartment complexes, is unprecedented. Its gross non-coverage stands as one of the worst instances of media bias by omission in recent memory, and that's saying a lot.

The calculus for continued non-coverage of Aurora by ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, and Telemundo is simple. Aurora is the rotten fruit of Biden-Harris border policy and the Border Czar, now at the top of the ticket, simply cannot be made to look bad. Wouldn't be joyous.

At Univision and Telemundo, with their dependence on broken borders for a continuous inflow of viewers, it’s about a general refusal to cover stories that reflect poorly on open-borders policies such as those enacted by Biden-Harris. In those cases, immigration policy is a Precious that must also be protected along with the Democrat du jour.

Because Aurora is a localized event that impacts national policy, the story gets relegated to “local crime story”, not unlike the trial of mass murdering abortionist Kermit Gosnell- a far more horrendous story than Aurora for different reasons but that nonetheless reflects poorly on a core Democrat policy and might trigger an adverse electoral reaction among the electorate from whom the story was suppressed.

Since the national media (with few exceptions) refuse to cover the story, I leave you with shocking footage posted by Fox 31 (Denver) journalist Vicente Arenas on his X account: