MSNBC’s Jen Psaki Demands That the UAW Bend the Knee to Kamala Harris

July 23rd, 2024 12:48 PM

The upheaval at the top of the Regime have the Regime Media scrambling to hold its diverse elements and coalitions together, all in the name of Defending Democracy™. This means that unannounced allies may be compelled to pledge loyalty to Vice President Kamala Harris, as was the case with United Auto Workers union president Shawn Fain.

Watch as Regime apparat Jen Psaki, now stationed over at MSNBC but a regime apparat nonetheless, demands that Fain bend the knee to Harris on live television:



9:26 PM

JEN PSAKI: Joining us now is United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain. Thank you so much for joining us this evening. So Rachel just gave a very long list of all of the unions that have endorsed Kamala Harris, the vice president, who is now going to be likely the nominee. The United Auto Workers is not on that list? Are you ready to join that list and make an announcement tonight?

SHAWN FAIN: So thank you for having us. And look, we’re- we have a process we follow. And just like anything- and let's be real. I mean, this last couple of weeks has been a very -- you know, just a very emotional few weeks, and especially this last few days, you know, seeing President Biden make a sacrifice for this nation. And, you know- look, I mean…I got to tell you, it's a bittersweet moment. I love President Biden. Greatest president in my lifetime, the most pro-labor president in my lifetime. And, you know, obviously, he did the honorable thing. And, you know, think about that. I mean, can you ever imagine Donald Trump putting his ego aside and doing what's right for the country? It would never happen. So, you know, with Vice President Harris, we have a process we follow. The membership put the international executive board in charge of this. And we're going to be discussing things over the next few days, and then we'll choose that path forward and then we'll make announcements as we deem fit.

This is how the entire interview went, by the way. Psaki pressing and pleading and arguing for the UAW to fall in line as quickly as possible, and Fain uncomfortably talking about adhering to the union’s internal processes. 

Psaki’s tenure at MSNBC is best seen as a change of duty station, not unlike as in the military. The posts may be different but the mission, tasks and skillsets remain the same. And so here you have the former Biden press secretary and former Obama State Department spokesmouth now shaping narratives over at MSNBC. And it matters none that Biden is out of the picture. Because the preservation of the Regime remains paramount.

As unsavory as this public arm-twisting is to watch, it is by no means surprising. We are already witnessing a propaganda rollout not seen since the bygone days of Hope and Change, and each and every one of those coalition members are expected to snap back into formation. Expect the class and racial demagoguery to ratchet to 20, spearheaded by the apparatchiks and propagandists embedded with the Regime Media and its outlets. Like MSNBC, and especially like Jen Psaki.

Click “expand” to view the full transcript of the aforementioned interview as aired on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show on Monday, July 22nd, 2024:

JEN PSAKI: Joining us now is United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain. Thank you so much for joining us this evening. So Rachel just gave a very long list of all of the unions that have endorsed Kamala Harris, the vice president, who is now going to be likely the nominee. The United Auto Workers is not on that list? Are you ready to join that list and make an announcement tonight?

SHAWN FAIN: So thank you for having us. And look, we’re- we have a process we follow. And just like anything- and let's be real. I mean, this last couple of weeks has been a very -- you know, just a very emotional few weeks, and especially this last few days, you know, seeing President Biden make a sacrifice for this nation. And, you know- look, I mean…I got to tell you, it's a bittersweet moment. I love President Biden. Greatest president in my lifetime, the most pro-labor president in my lifetime. And, you know, obviously, he did the honorable thing. And, you know, think about that. I mean, can you ever imagine Donald Trump putting his ego aside and doing what's right for the country? It would never happen. So, you know, with Vice President Harris, we have a process we follow. The membership put the international executive board in charge of this. And we're going to be discussing things over the next few days, and then we'll choose that path forward and then we'll make announcements as we deem fit. So, you know, but one thing I do know, you know- President Biden, first president in history to join striking workers on a picket line. Kamala Harris was right there with us in 2019 when Donald Trump was president. You know where Donald Trump wasn't in 2019? He sure as hell wasn't on a picket line.

PSAKI: No, no question about that. And I’ve traveled with President Biden to visit union workers, and I know that the support and the response is really incredible. Tell us a little bit. You said it's a couple of days maybe for this process. Is there a deadline or a timeline we should anticipate? And what, exactly, is your executive committee looking for as they're considering this? Because Vice President Harris was of course- it's the Biden-Harris agenda and everything they fought for are the things that I assume they supported when they endorsed Joe Biden.

FAIN: Yeah, so we're looking at a lot of things right now. We have our team looking at other people. Not as- not as, I don't believe, as presidential candidates, but other possible vice president candidates and things like that. Look, we feel like we have an obligation to represent working class interests. So when we meet and we have those discussions with Vice President Harris' team and we want to, you know, have input and talk about what we're seeing and what we're hearing from our members and from our board. And so we're not going to rush in and just, you know, throw it out there. We want to have fruitful discussions when we meet. And I think it's important we do that. We owe that to them.

PSAKI:  Absolutely. And let me ask you, I know there’s been a lot of calls that have been happening. President Biden, Vice President Harris, have you had the chance to speak with either of them over the last day and a half?

FAIN: Unfortunately, I believe Vice President Harris tried to call me yesterday, and I was in the unfortunate situation with the airlines. A couple of flights were canceled. And when she did try to call I was in the air and could not take a call. So we have reached out and expressed any time she’s ready to talk, glad to talk with her and look forward to it.

PSAKI: Well, thank you so much, president of the United Auto Workers, Shawn Fain. We'll all be waiting to hear what happens with your endorsement process. Really appreciate you joining us tonight.